Wellbeing and Engagement

Year 6 Cyber Safety Incursion

Equipping students with the tools to remain safe while online is crucial for this generation, and our Year 6 students have been offered a wonderful opportunity to hear from a Youth Resource Officer to discuss Cyber Safety. 


Youth Resource Officers (YROs) are sworn police officers who focus on engaging with young people and supporting their safety and wellbeing. YROs educate young people and their communities on safety issues.


This session is a chance to discuss current issues that students face online, as well as strategies to help minimize the safety risks they are confronted with when online. 


Student’s will be participating in this session on Monday 11th September from 9-10am in the Sports and Performance Centre.


We are looking forward to this wonderful opportunity. 


R U Ok? Day

Thursday 14th September is 'R U OK? Day', a day that reminds us that every day is the day to ask "are you okay?" 

We encourage students to wear a 'touch of yellow' to recognise this important day and to get the conversation started!

Always remember, you are important. 


Footy Day

Friday 15th September is Footy Day! All students are invited to wear their favourite footy teams colours on this day. And when we say footy we mean AFL, junior footy teams, soccer as well as basketball, netball, baseball. Or just get colourful!

The parade will be held in the Sports and Performance Building straight after assembly. 







Attention Young Artists...

Something for the Dads..