Debating - Play off debate!

Debating Association Victoria (DAV) play off debate
Our debate two weeks ago was straight out of Barbie. Although, it wasn’t very pink. And it wasn’t about corporate patriarchy. And it was at Northcote high, which is unfortunately, definitely not Barbie Land. And no one got disinterested once they realised it wasn’t about horses. Actually, horses did sort of have something to do with the topic. Well, horses as a member of the larger group: animals. The debate was on transplanting animal organs into humans, and our team argued that it should be banned. Both sides had very interesting and reasonable arguments, and it was quite an enjoyable and fair debate. We were up against Fitzroy High, the only other public school that was there that night. It was altogether a close debate, but we ended up winning by a couple of points. On Thursday, we’ll be debating the negative side in the next round against Melbourne Grammar, on the topic ‘that politicians should earn the median wage’. What a disappointingly un-Barbie-like topic.
Maddie, Noah, Esther and Edie