Community Notices

Free holiday program for students in Years 7&8
Young Workers community legal centre
The Young Workers Centre operates a free, accredited community legal centre for young workers, aged 30 and under in Victoria who need advice or assistance with any workplace issues.
Since its inception in February 2016 the small team of lawyers have supported young workers in Victoria to recover over $2 million in compensation.
Why might a young worker contact the Young Workers Centre?
For more information head to |
School holiday program at Edinburgh Cricket Club
School holiday program at Primary Colours Art School
Come and Try at Darebin Falcons Cricket Club
1 October, 10am at AH Capp Reserve in Preston. Check it out.
Audition for Yarra Voices youth choir
Yarra Voices are a community youth choir based in North Fitzroy and have auditions coming up in November. Further details in flyer below
Come and Try Day at Coburg Little Athletics
Saturday 16 September, at the Coburg Athletics Track
Play basketball with Preston Piranhas
Preston Piranhas welcome any new players interested in joining for the upcoming Summer Season. Details in flyer below.