From the Principal

This Newsletter heralds our final week of Term. We have once again had a huge Term of performances, activities, sports, excursions, incursions and Camps. I hope that you or your children have participated in as much as possible and are pleased with their efforts and achievements. Earlier this Term, I attended the Year 8 camp with our students and the camp mottos have continued to resonate with me as they were coaching students and getting them to set goals, to challenge themselves and make themselves uncomfortable. This can be reflected in all areas of the school; in our curriculum and in the activities that we run.
I hope that you had an opportunity to attend Parent Teacher Student Conversations (PTSCs) over the last fortnight. They are a great way to end the Term by providing our families with feedback that allow you to reflect on the learning so far this year with time to put in place goals to achieve by the end of the year. This year we ran both online and face to face PTSCs and we noticed that our families are preferencing the online format. We will continue to review the organisation of our conversations to allow as many families as possible to attend in the format that they prefer.
I am very much looking forward to the Friends of Northcote Comedy Night this week as it is a fantastic opportunity for our families to get together. I am also looking forward to having a great laugh with the amazing comedians that the organising committee has found. Thanks to the parents that have been working with Audra Keane to organise the event, their contribution of time and skill is appreciated. There are still tickets available and I hope that the event is well attended, not only as it is one of our key fundraisers but also that we want this to be a regular event in our Calendar.
This week is our practice exams week for our Year 12 students in preparation for the upcoming end of year VCE exams to be held next Term. Our Year 12 Art and Design subjects have completed their major pieces of work and I am enjoying seeing them being put on display in the gallery spaces. We will be running some art soirees and shows next Term so that we can share and celebrate their skill and creativity.
I hope that you have a safe and enjoyable school holiday,
Chris Jones