Principals Message

Happy Father’s Day
My four Daniel, Madeleine, Simon and James were privileged to have a wonderful father as a role model. My husband Simon has always been interested in their endeavours from birth until present. He has always been a prominent part of their lives and now that each of them has found their life partner and have their own little family, Simon is still very involved with each family and loves being with his grandchildren.
These sons and son-in-law of mine Daniel, Simon, James and Travis are fabulous dads. I am proud of the way they interact with their children on a daily basis. It’s not unusual to see them on the floor playing and wrestling with their children. They do their share of cooking, bathing, feeding, changing, playing and loving. My grandchildren are very lucky little people have such adoring fathers.
“God took the strength of a mountain, the majesty of a tree,
the warmth of a summer sun, the calm of a quiet sea,
the generous soul of nature, the comforting arm of night,
the wisdom of the ages, the power of the eagle’s flight,
the joy of a morning in spring, the faith of a mustard seed,
the patience of eternity, the depth of a family need,
then God combined these qualities, when there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete, and so He called it …DAD.”
On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, our students will have the opportunity to purchase a gift for their dad, granddad or special person. These gifts will be wrapped by the P & F group and gifts range between $2.00 - $8.00.
An invitation has been extended to all dads, granddads and special friends to join us at school for a special Father’s day breakfast between 8.15am and 9.15am. Egg and bacon muffins will be available with a cuppa. Please advise the office if you are attending or complete the google link that was posted earlier this week for catering purposes.
On Friday September 1st we are excited to welcome our 7 Foundation students to St Mary’s. They will stay at school from 8.50am until 11.30am and during that time they will spend time with Mrs Fraser and also in the F/1/2 classroom. The focus of the sessions will be Visual and Performing arts, Oral Language, Literacy and Maths. They become familiar with the school routine, get to know the staff and other students and meet their buddy for 2024.
Other Friday transition dates are: September 15, October 13, October 27, November 10, November 24 and finally Statewide Transition on Tuesday December 12.
On Friday August 25th our students and staff dressed in costume for our annual Book Week parade. It was wonderful to see every staff member and every child dressed as a character on the day. The students all enjoyed cross-age activities focussed on the 2023 Winning picture story books. CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE ON 100% PARTICIPATION.
Next week September 4 – 8, all students will participate in our swimming program at Aquamoves in Shepparton. Swimming is part of our curriculum and therefore all students are expected to attend. Grade F – 3 leave School at 11.30 for 12.45 lesson and return to school by approx. 2.15. Grade 4 – 6 leave school at 12.15 for a 1.30 lesson and return by 3.15pm.
Transition for 2024 Year 7 students at Rushworth P-12 College will be on Monday September 11th. The students will be required to attend for the whole day.
On Thursday September 14th we have been invited to join students from Rushworth P-12 to plant trees on the Railway Reserve. We will be choosing 10 students from the senior class to be part of this initiative.
On the last day of Term Three, Friday September 15th we invite our student to come dressed in their favourite football colours.
Schooling is compulsory for children and young people aged 6-17 years unless an exemption from attendance or enrolment has been granted.
Staff have noticed that some children are regularly missing school on Monday after a busy weekend with their family. Monday is the most important day of the week for your child as it is when work is set for the remainder of the week, friendships are set for the week, Pre -tests are often done on a Monday and class goals are set for the remainder of the week.
If your child is regularly missing school on a Monday I ask that you consider the importance of this day and encourage your child to attend school.
If your child is absent from school we request that you log this absence on SIMON everywhere or call the office before 9.00am. Admin staff are required to phone parents or carers to verify unexplained absences.
A reminder to parents that if students enter our school property on the weekend or after school hours, that they should be supervised. A reminder that there are security cameras installed.
Enjoy the coming fortnight.
Catherine Fraser