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Most enjoyable activity in Term 3

Students in 5-6S wrote the following comments, explaining their thoughts on the most enjoyable activity they have done in Term 3.


Aubree thought that playing in the Yr 4-5 netball games during the Lightning Premiership was so fun even though they didn’t win. During the 4 games, Aubree’s highlights were Sienna’s great bounce passes. She thought she and Stevie shot the ball accurately. Harper defended well and Eloise caught well too.


Harmony’s highlight was playing netball during the Lightning Premiership, even though her team didn’t have many wins. They had lots of fun, playing between games. Harmony says, “All my friends were there too! We were able to eat some food and play games with other kids!! I didn’t really care about winning but at least we had so much fun playing the game!”


Jacob’s highlight was playing in and winning the Softball Lightning Premiership grand final. He reports: On 9th August, NPS Softball Team arrived at Sacred Heart School in Yarrawonga, where the softball games were being played. NPS played three games and won all of them. As a result we were asked to play in the grand final game against Cobram. All of the members of the team played really well and we won! The score was 17 to 12 our way. We had won the Lighting Premiership!


Khan-Lee’s highlight was the lighting premiership. Kahn-Lee reports: This was my favorite school day because we were playing games of football all day. I enjoyed the game against St Joey’s because we won and I kicked one goal and then I also a kicked goal against Katunga. It was great when we made the Grand Final and I kicked a goal!


Cruze’s highlight was playing footy in the Lightning Premiership Grand Final. Even though the team lost the Grand Final game, they beat St Joey’s and Katunga. Cruze reported that he took a “hanger” on a kid during the game against Cobram, making his day. 


“We won let’s go! What an amazing experience.” These were Angus’s thoughts after playing in the softball Grand Final. He really enjoyed playing against amazing teams, as well as playing great games in the Lightning Premiership. This has been one of his best experiences by far!


Liam reports: I have mainly one thing to say about my highlight, and Ms Sartoria would know this one… Lightning Premiership! It started off fine, and we won all the matches and somehow made it to the finals against Cobram. I thought we wouldn’t be able to do it because previously that same team beat us by 2-3 runs. But somehow, be it by luck, be it by fate, we WON by 6 runs! 


Thegn’s highlights are also related to the Lighting Premiership softball games. He reports: We were in several close games and our players did wonderful hits. Our first and second games were really close but my school won those games and I was really surprised that we won. The third game we got just about three home runs and I hit about three home runs. We also won the Grand Final. 


Sieanna’s highlight was the Lighting Premiership netball games. She chose this as her highlight because it was her favourite time of Term 3. It was amazing, and even though the Year 5 Team didn’t win any games, she still enjoyed playing in the Lighting Premiership and was glad she made it there. 


The netball games during the Lightning Premiership were Poppy’s highlight. She thought it was so fun even though they didn’t win. She thought that the players all did a good job at defending and running to get that ball. Poppy says, “We did get the ball, it’s just that we didn’t get it in our hoop and the other team kept scoring. We did get some in though and I loved it, I’m happy my family came.”


At the Lighting premiership, Lilliannah enjoyed playing in the softball team. NPS had 14 players and the students took turns as there are only 9 in a softball team. She was very proud of her very big hit and she got out 2 on 1st base.  Liliannah says, “My team made it to the Grand Final and we played for 40 minutes. And NPS won, Ms Sartoria was so happy.”  Lilliannah thought everyone enjoyed the day as it was a lot of fun.


John’s highlights focused on playing football in the Lighting Premiership. He reports: The first game was against St. Joseph’s, we were late but we still won by a fair bit; I also kicked a goal. The second game was against St. Francis and sadly we lost. But we got back against Katunga that put us in to the Grand Final but we lost against Cobram. It was good we made it all the way to the Grand Final. 


Larna’s Term Three highlight is the Lighting Premiership Netball games. She reports: I claim this as my highlight because it has been the best thing that has happened in Term Three so far. During all the games, NPS team members worked hard to get the ball and pass it on accurately. All players supported and encouraged each other. Overall, I enjoyed the day.


Levi thought that sport was a lot of fun in Term 3. He enjoyed participating in the started Winter Sports footy games. Levi really loved playing in the NPS footy team during the Lightning Premiership, and playing in the Grand Final against Cobram was a big achievement. NPS was runner up. He reports: In the other games, we won against Katunga and St Joseph’s and lost against St Francis.


Will reports: In the Lightning Premiership I played netball (aka the best sport). We had lots of fun because even though we lost to all the schools, the canteen had the best sausages and soft drink! We played 5 out of 6 games, I was GD, C, WA and WD, the best was probably centre but I’m best at GD. I love netball, it’s by far the best sport ever to exist.