From the Principal

Parent Opinion Survey
Last week a Compass message which included a link to the Annual Parent Opinion Survey was sent out to families. This survey is an important way families can let us know what we are doing well and areas where we can improve. The Parent Opinion Survey is the third data set along with the Student Attitudes to School and Staff Opinion Surveys which we use to monitor the 'pulse' of the school climate.
So far 36 families have completed the survey. We would love it if a few more families could also complete the survey. The more families who complete the survey, the more accurate the information we can gather.
If you have accidentally deleted the Compass message, please contact the school and we can arrange to resend the message to you. Thanks for your cooperation and asistance with this important task.
Coffee and Chat
On Monday 28 August, Justin, Julie and I will be hosting our popular Coffee and Chat session. The session is a chance for you to come and talk to us and ask any questions about things which are happening at the school. The session will be held in the staffroom after assembly finishes.
Manal, our Muticultural Arabic Aide will also be there to translate for any parents who need her assistance.
Super Student Gardeners
Hannah has been very busy in the last week with a number of students planting all the fantastic new trees and shrubs we purchased with the money we received for the Queen's Jubilee. Some shrubs have been planted in the garden bed along Darebin Drive, other near the roundabout on McKimmies Road to create a wind break and a few speciality trees in our courtyard to provide shade for when students are working or playing outside.
Thank you to Hannah for coordinating this and to the students for all their hard work to beautify our school.
2024 Prep Enrolments
A reminder to our families that if you have a child who will turn 5 on or before 30 April 2024, they are eligible to enrol for Prep/Foundation for 2024. We have loved spending time doing tours with new families. The new Preps are very excited about starting school and are having trouble understanding why they cannot just start now! Some tours have been a trip down memory lane as the new preps are the children of former students.
Enrolment forms are available from the office. The office team are always happy to help with any queries about the enrolment form.
2024 Prep Transition sessions will start in term 4 so make sure you hand the completed form in before the end of term 3.
Choir News
It is always a lovely start to the week when the Choir performs at assembly. This week we were treated to two songs, Million Dreams and Lanterns. As an added bonus, Selen Atilla (Assistant Principal), Dino Azzolini and Lou Rossini (Music Team) from Lalor North Secondary were on hand to present the Choir with the CD they recorded at Lalor North recently.
Linda Richards