Classroom News

Foundation Miss Bennett
Term 3 is flying by and the Foundation students are working so hard with their learning. To top off our learning, our production practices are in full swing and we have gotten to celebrate our favourite week of the year: BOOK WEEK. The Foundation class was so excited to have a photo in their book week costumes with Alex who volunteers in our school library.
Well done to all of our students who have a role in 'STORY TIME SHOWDOWN' and have been practicing their lines at home. They will blow you away come showtime. The rest of the class have been doing such an amazing job practicing their dances for the performance. It is all starting to come together. If you haven't sent in your students costumes, here is your reminder!
With lots on our learning radar, the Foundies have moved on from learning individual letter sounds and have begun learning about digraphs. They have just begun learning about the 'SH' digraph and the 'CK' digraph. They loved doing the independent practice for the digraph 'sh'.
Also, we have been loving our time with our Football coach Will who has been teaching us football and refining our skills. This week we worked on marking and handballing. We have improved our skills so much from the start of the term! We have some future football stars in the Foundation class!
Grade 1-2 Miss Hayes
Literacy - Text Based Unit
This week we read our new text ‘Joe in the Stars’ by Phil Cummings. Before reading the text all the Grade ½’s brainstormed what words they thought they might come across in the text. This is what they came up with:
Joe | stars | tree | changing colours |
fabulous | night | milky way | solar system |
rocket | world | baby stars | wish |
shooting star | dog | cool | space |
oxygen | atmosphere | moon | galaxy |
Book Week
To celebrate Book Week we did many different things; we had a Circus visit and we moved around the different classrooms and completed different activities based around the shortlisted books. To kick start our rotations we read the book ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today?’ by Carol McCloud. After reading the text we brainstormed as class ‘how do you fill a bucket?’ below are our responses:
Ollie | Say ‘hi’ to others |
Ryder | Wave to others |
Lani | Share your knowledge |
Carter | Help someone if they fall |
George | Say ‘thank you’ to the bus driver when you get off |
Ryder | Do jobs at home |
Sydnee | Give your family a big cuddle |
James | Say kind words |
Carter | Play with others |
Ryder | Buy people gifts |
Daphne | Share your seat if it is the last one |
George | Always show the school values |
Daphne | Say ‘I love you’ |
Carter | Help Dad on the farm |
George | Do jobs without being asked to |
Carter | Smile at others |
Grade 1-2 Miss Hart
How fast has this term been going! We cannot believe that it is already Week 8 - which also means not too long to go until our School Production. We cannot wait for you to see it all in action. In amongst the script and dance practice we have been smashing our learning goals in our other subjects.
In Maths, we have just started our new unit on Mass. Students have enjoyed exploring how light and how heavy things are using different materials to measure. Students have used hefting, and balance scales so far. Students were asked to measure five different objects from around the classroom and order them from lightest to heaviest.
In Religion, we are learning about our gifts and talents given to us by God. Students have explored their own gifts and talents and the different ways we can use these gifts to help others. It has been a really beautiful experience to explore our gifts and talents and to have our peers agree with us is extra special.
SPORT, SPORT, SPORT! The last fortnight has been all about sport. Students have been thoroughly enjoying learning new tricks in skipping and AFL. We have been super lucky this term to have Will, the AFL clinic coach teaching us all things football. From marking, to handballing and even goal kicking. We love using the skipping ropes during our lunch and snack time and we are really perfecting our skills in our Sport lessons run by Miss Nicholds.
Grade 3-4 Mrs Stock
In 3/4, the students have been busy writing different types of poems. They have created a Haiku, Cinquain, Limerick and Shape poem.
In Math, the students have been learning to describe, continue, and create number patterns. They have been solving problems where they have had to find the missing number in a sequence.
The students enjoyed creating their own ice cream flavours and surveying classes to see what their favourite flavours were. Once they had their results, they were able to use the data collected to create a bar graph.
We have been very busy planning and practising our dance and performance for the whole School Production in week 10!
Grade 3-4 Mrs Crosbie
Over the past few weeks 3/4 Crosbie completed a data and representation project where they became ice cream inventors. They were required to invent ice cream flavours, present a poster of their icecreams, create a survey and tally sheet, collect data for their ice cream project, then present their results in a graph using an app called numbers.
The students really enjoyed collecting the data for their project from Foundation and grade 5/6 and I think some of these students were a little 'grossed out ' on some of the invented ice cream flavours ! The students also enjoyed using the Numbers program to create their graphs. They were able to explore this program while they put their graph together and discover more about what they could do to enhance their graph.
The students were required to put all their learning into google slides as a representation of the process and steps they were required to go through to complete the project task.
Everyone worked really well together and there was a great respect for learning by all students.
Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen
We've had two weeks of some exciting learning opportunities in the Senior classroom. We loved the "Circus Challenge" performance and workshop. Here's some of our highlights:
* Watching Miss Ras TRY to do the hula hoop was my highlight - Riann & Amelie
* I really liked the flower sticks, especially doing the helicopter tricks - Will
* I really liked Ren perform for us at the start and then having a go at doing it ourselves - Lachy
* The flower sticks were really cool. I liked throwing them up and down. I was able to catch it above my head - Hannah
* The spinning plates were my favourite because I was able to put it under my leg and also balance it on one finger! - Caleb
We have been working hard at pulling all the aspects of our performance together for our roles in 'Story Time Showdown'. Here is what some of us is looking forward to:
- Being the nan and getting to perform with my friends - Georgia
- Watching all the other classes plays and being Pop - Zac
- Seeing everyone acting and yelling my parts - Shila
- Doing the dances and being the grandson - Caleb
In English, we have started a text based unit on 'The Lost Thing'. One of our first tasks was to listen to the story without seeing the pictures and then draw what we imagined the Lost Thing might be. Here are some of the pictures of what we predicted: