Community News

Scholastic Book Fair / New Catalogue

Thank you all for your generous support of our Annual Book Fair and most especially to the parents who volunteered their time to making it possible.  Until our final orders are dispatched to the school, we are unable to confirm what funds we raised, but we will do so as soon as possible.  The Term 3 Catalogue has been sent home this week.  While there is no expectation or pressure to buy anything, any purchases will contribute rewards to the school which we redeem to purchase new library books and teaching aids.  Please get all orders in by Friday September 1st for delivery before the school holidays.

Solway Basketball

There are four remaining places in Boys U8 (must not turn 8 before 30 April, 2024) and two in girls U8 (must not turn 8 before 30th April 2024) for the Summer Season starting Term 4, 2023 and running until Easter 2024. 

There are also three places remaining in Boys U12 (must not turn 12 before 30th April 2024). If interested, please contact or speak with Therese Molnar 0417 014 772