Deputy Principal

Teaching & Learning News

Mrs Eloise Ellis

An Aussie Adventure

A big thank you to all the students who entered the Art of the Week competition over the last two weeks for the front and back cover of our production booklet, "An Aussie Adventure." All entries were amazing, creative and so well thought out. The Art Leaders, Mrs Herbison and myself found it extremely difficult to choose the winners.


We are pleased to announce our junior and senior winners, Nina Mahon and Clare Whitehouse!

Our wonderful parent committee is currently working on producing the booklet. A big thank you to them for all their hard work. 


Another very big THANK YOU to the families that filled in the Operoo form informing us of their children's t-shirt size/s, and transferring $15 for each child to have part of their costume for our school production, provided. 

A friendly reminder for families who have not yet transferred $15 per student into the school account, or entered their child's t-shirt size, to do this as soon as possible, please. These items are already being purchased.

The bank details are : 

Account Name: St Michael's Parish School

BSB: 083 347

ACC: 464 891 542


Also, a reminder that parents will need to provide the following for their child:

Prep: Black pants or shorts

One/Twos: Black pants or shorts

Three/Four B: Blue or black jeans/jean shorts

Three Four G : Blue or black jeans/jean shorts

Three/Four R: Black pants or shorts

Five/Six: Blue or black jeans, shorts or pants 

Five/Six: Main characters will be asked to provide basic items as per their character (TBC)


Please have these items available by week 10 of this term, as we will be holding a full dress rehearsal at school on Friday 15th September. Students will be required to bring their jeans, pants or shorts to school on this day to change into for the rehearsal. 

Regular school footwear is required.


Please email: with any queries.

Thank you.