Wurrin News - Years 8 & 9

email:   wurrin@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4820

Parent and Teacher Conferences14th September and 15th September
Student Free Day2nd October

Market Day!

Heidi, River, Sienna
Molly, Ayla
Sienna, Scarlett
Heath, Jiah
Leonard, Noah
Cody, Billy, Tom
Kaylah, Kane
Heidi, River, Sienna
Molly, Ayla
Sienna, Scarlett
Heath, Jiah
Leonard, Noah
Cody, Billy, Tom
Kaylah, Kane

On Wednesday the 6th of September the Year 9 Enterprising People class and the Year 11 Business Management class held a Market Day. This allowed the students to plan, market and run an enterprise of their own choice. Enterprises that were running on the day included: Biscoff Slice, Spiders, Fairy Bread, Frogs in a Ponds, Cookies, Rum Balls, Rocky Road, build your own burgers and much more! 


Thanks to all the staff and students who supported the student’s enterprises. The classes managed to donate $300 profit to the Cancer Council charity. 

Mastering Multimedia

Year 9 students had a task to complete using only photoshop, below are some of the projects.

Annabelle (Potato Pet)
Finn (Free Camel)
Latisha (Selective Colour Grapes)
Oscar (Mr Potatoes Family Portrait)
Zac (Coloured Animal)
Zac (Glass Fruit Bowl)
Annabelle (Potato Pet)
Finn (Free Camel)
Latisha (Selective Colour Grapes)
Oscar (Mr Potatoes Family Portrait)
Zac (Coloured Animal)
Zac (Glass Fruit Bowl)

Year 8 Food Technology

The students made a crustless quiche for their assessment practical.


Bella and Anna
Sam and Zac
Mya and Hannah
Lucius and Tas
Billy and Frank
Kailee and Lacey
Alina and Kody
Bella and Anna
Sam and Zac
Mya and Hannah
Lucius and Tas
Billy and Frank
Kailee and Lacey
Alina and Kody

Snowy River School for Student Leadership

Next year, Bairnsdale Secondary College has a unique opportunity for Year 9 students to attend the Snowy River School for Student Leadership program. The School for Student Leadership is a Victorian Department of Education initiative offering a residential education experience for Year 9 students. The curriculum focuses on personal development and collaborative team learning projects sourced from student’s home regions. Selected students will attend a term-long program in which they develop their leadership skills through team-building exercises with the goal of using these skills in both the school and the wider community. 


This year we had a large number of Year 8 students interested in attending the program as Year 9 students in 2024 and a selection process took place. Ms Schneider and Edyn conducted a number of interviews with all applicants throughout Week 9 of the term and were blown away by the confidence and leadership skills shown by all students. 


We are pleased to announce our Snowy Student Leadership Team for 2024:

  • Thomas (8K)
  • Jakob (8K)
  • Aryton (8A)
  • Sam (8G)
  • Grace (8J)
Sam, Grace, Thomas, Jakob and Aryton
Sam, Grace, Thomas, Jakob and Aryton

Emily takes on Germany!

Emily (Year 9) has successfully been accepted to go to Germany in 2024 for 4 - 6 months through the Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Program. Emily will be leaving Australia on January 20th 2024.


Emily is pictured below with her German teacher, Ms Schneider - who could not be prouder!!


We wish Emily all the best for her journey ahead!! 🤩

Emily, Ms Schneider
Emily, Ms Schneider

Student Achievements!

State Final Spelling Competition


On Tuesday the 12th of September, Sara headed off to Traralgon to compete in the State Final VicSpell Spelling Competition. Previously, Sara had progressed through both the school level and regional level spelling competitions to be able to compete in this final state. 


After the competition, Sara shared her experience with the spelling competition, what her thoughts and feelings were during the moment of the competition, as well as the lead up to the day. 


How does it feel to win the State Champion Spelling Competition, and what did you feel in the moment?

Yeah, good. A bit surprised. 

What did you learn from this experience?

Probably not to doubt myself, but to go into it with a bit more confidence.

Tell me about the day. What was the process? 

So we went last, so we watched all the other year levels. We were lined up, got a rundown of the rules and took our turns. There was 5 of us. They gave us each a word and if you spelt it correctly then you went onto the next round. If you spelt a word wrong then you were out. 

What was your winning word?


What would you say to someone else who wanted to compete next year?

I think that everyone should give it a go. Everyone has a really good chance of getting up there. I think that a lot of people underestimate how good they can go in that sort of competition, so yeah, I think that more people should give it a go.

Did you practise much beforehand? How did the spelling rounds held here at school help you?

Yeah, I suppose. I was running over a few words. The rounds here were quite similar to this final round so that was good practise. 



Clay Shooting


Congratulations to Jack who competed at the VCTA - Victoria Clay Target Association School Student State Titles in Echuca on Monday 4th September.

This was a 30 target single barrel down the line event. 64 students had qualified from around the state to compete. Jack placed 2nd - Junior Boys.


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