Principal's Message

Good afternoon and welcome to the last newsletter for this term! (That’s a bit frightening really.)
This term has just been so busy, in particular with the School Review, that sometimes my mind just ends up 'too full'! So, yesterday I did what I always do to stay grounded and clear in my mind – I went for a walk around the College to have a 'sniff' to see what was happening.
This reminded me of why we all, do what we do! 😊 I spoke to some fabulous kids, saw teachers working hard on their craft in the classroom, kids being supported in so many ways and just 'good people' going about their daily business. I try to do this at least a couple of times per week and lately I have been a bit trapped in my office. Tuesday afternoon I took a current parent for a walking tour – loved it! The College is a dynamic place – sometimes I describe us as a small town of 1500 people! Yesterday 'our town' was in fine shape! 😊
The School Review – went really well last week. (Concluded last Monday.) A full report will be submitted to us by the end of the holiday period, then the work begins to set the goals and targets for the next four years. I am really looking forward to seeing the final report and working with the team and of course Tony Roberts to 'keep this massive ship' moving in the right direction.
The opportunity to have a chat with your child’s teacher starts tonight. Tonight and Friday will be busy for all. The staff have spent a lot of time preparing, so please be sure to engage and make the most of this important feedback. Please make sure that your child is in attendance for the chat. After all, they are the topic of conversation!
Raffle Winners: YES! The parent survey has closed and the results, thoughts and views will be available to the school soon – but in the mean time we have 'winners' of the raffle for completing the survey. Congratulations to Jane Cooper, Kate Allen and Amanda Blight! 😊 Enjoy your prizes and thanks to everyone who took the time to provide feedback – much appreciated.
Something to ponder: How much do you think the pies will win the grand final by? Yes, I am confessing my bias! Go Pies!
Editors note: I am also confessing my bias. Go Blue Baggers!
Thanks for reading. Always happy to chat – just make an appointment.
Trudie Nagle
Executive Principal