What's been happening in Year 10?

Over the past couple of weeks, the Year 10s have had to think about and submit their subjects for VCE! This has been a stressful process for the year 10s, but the course counselling program has supported us with our decisions and helped us choose our possible pathways after high school. The Shape Your Destiny incursion about goal settings and career action plans was a hit, featuring DJ Dani who brought the mood up. 

Last Friday, the year 10 French students were spoilt with a luxurious lunch at Noir in Richmond. It was a treat! On Thursday the 17th, the cohort is going to see Moonrise Kingdom by Wes Anderson for our English text analysis at Hoyts. 


Lastly, a big shout out and congratulations to all students that were involved in grease last week. 

  • Sophie R and Mila J