MGC Parents’ Association News

It’s been a busy Term 3 so far for the MGC Parents Association with majority of the Parent Social Nights being hosted by our year level Representatives and enjoyed by those who attended. These Social Nights have been a great way to casually catch up and connect with other parents and cares from your child’s year level. The Year 7 event is the last of the Social Nights which is coming up next Friday 25th August. Please RSVP  we’d love to see you there!


The Staff Thank You Morning Tea, Father’s Day Breakfast and the 2023 Parents Association Grants Scheme are next on our agenda, so keep an eye on Compass for more details.

Photo of the year 10 Social Night
Photo of the year 10 Social Night

      Thank you to parent volunteers

Thank you to those parents who have responded to the year level call outs via the WhatsApp groups requesting volunteers for school run events such as the National Tree Day and the school musical. We appreciate those who have signed up and assisted generously with their time. Thank you!

Upcoming Dates

Monday 14th August   PA Grants – Applications Close 

Tuesday 22nd August   PA meeting at 6:30pm

Friday 25th August  Year 7 Parent Social Night

Monday 28th August  Staff Thank you morning tea

Friday 1st September Fathers’ Day Breakfast


The Parents' Association, on behalf of the whole school community, is hosting the inaugural Staff Thank You morning tea on Monday 28th August. 


We hope that with your support and generosity we can create a delicious and beautiful spread of baked goods, fresh flowers and thank you cards.  


The accompanying flyer provides details of how you can be involved, including a link to a sign-up sheet and some suggestions for treats you might like to provide. 


The food items can be homemade or store bought but it is essential that they are provided with an ingredients list. A suggested format for the ingredients list is included in the sign-up sheet which can be printed or hand written.  


Your thank you cards can be to a special teacher or staff member or a general thank you to the whole team at MGC.  


If baking and writing are not for you then donations of fresh flowers, maybe from your own garden, would be lovely as we can display these on the tables with the food.  


The donations need to be delivered to the school front office before 8:50am on Monday 28th August.  


We hope for this to be an annual event so please support us in making year one a great success and a delightful celebration for the wonderful MGC staff.  


If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us at 


Thank you. MGC Parents' Association 


Join Us! Next meeting – Tuesday 22nd August at 6:30pm                                           

The Parents’ Association is a group of like-minded and eager parents who organise events that connect the community members with each other and the school. We are always on the lookout for extra opinions, ideas, and suggestions - contact us via email or come along to the monthly meetings held in the MGC staff room. Please feel free to join any of the upcoming PA meetings, dates and times can be found on the school’s Compass calendar. Meetings are run in the MGC Staff room on the ground floor, close to the Main Reception entry. Take notice of parking restrictions as a section of the on-street parking permit zones after hours. 

 MGCPA Official Positions Vacant


We are still seeking new members to get involved in the MGCPA and the following positions are still vacant:


Legacy/Alumni Representative (Vacant position)

Help promote past initiatives of the Parents Association Alumni. Serve as an ambassador to help strengthen communication and connection between the school and our alumni community. 


Sponsorship Manager  (Vacant position)

Seek sponsorship opportunities to support school events by engaging with MGC parents and local businesses. Provide regular updates on marketing and sponsorship initiatives at regular PA meetings and follow up on agreed action items


Please feel free to join us, we look forward to meeting you. 
