Performing Arts

Instrumental Music- Vacancies for Voice Lessons are available.

We would like to welcome Belinda Foster to MGC who is our new Voice teachers at MGC on Thursdays. We are pleased to be able to offer the opportunity for students to sign up for voice lessons, application form attached.



Click here to see our digital program⤵


Tamy Stubley & Staff of MGC for their support and for coming to see the show.

Nick Young from Origin for copyright.

Andrew Vance and the Environment team for preshow and interval refreshments.

Ruth Cronin and team for Roses.

Mark McDowell and Andre Branda- Pawlaczyk and team from “Your Show”.

Trevor Howlett- fence and Lighting mentor

Asha Robinson (alumni) for Lighting

Stage School Costumes

Bocca Foods for staff meals

Beth Barrass for Humantix Ticket Sales, Bulletin and Newsletter

Matthew Bass from Musical Shirts and Darcy Lynch for T-Shirt sales

JB for covering classes and organizing room changes

Front of House ushers, led by Shreya Nair and Alexandria Arzanas

Staff Afterschool and Dressing Room Supervisors

Rebecca Oosterhof for organising Kay & Burton Real Estate for Fete Boards

Parents Association for Bass clarinet

Phoenix Keech for Poster design

Arts Captains for Program & Displays, led by Ava Morrison

Carol Busetti and team for Year 7 “Beauty School Drop Out” Costumes

Harry Turnball and team for Year 8 Popcorn costumes

James Lauritz, Brittany Witherspoon and Blossom Emami for photography

To our 26 Year 12 students in the production-thanks for making “Grease” a priority and good luck for the rest of the year, supported by our Year 12 YLL’s, Kate Nicholls and Leigh Hanley.

Our amazing student crew, led by stage manager Sophia Quershi.

Our Musical Director Tony Hicks for rehearsing and conducting the orchestra and our wonderful student musicians, supported by Andy Clarke.

Ellyce Calder- vocal coach

Our wonderful student choreographers:

Raphi Bevernage & Charlotte Wong- “We Go Together” & “You’re the One That I Want”

Asrin Sastradipradja- “Magic Changes” & “Sandy”

Brooke Marsland & Abi Grigg- “Summer Nights”

Elodie Mumme & Liv Johns-“Beauty School Dropout” & “Rydell Fight Song”

Ava Morison-“Sandra Dee”

Nora Dandurand and Pink Ladies for “Freddy My Love”

Immy Martin & Brooke Marsland for Cha Cha & Danny’s “Hand Jive” solo

Georgia McGeechan, head choreographer,for Specialist Dancers Choreography- “Greased Lightning” & “Hand Jive”.

Lindy Mumme for co-directing.

To all parents and friends for their support and for coming to see the show.

To all the 179 students involved for their commitment & faith-thank you for being “hopelessly devoted” to Grease, congratulations!


Anne Corry

Producer and Co-Director.