La Fête de la Musique

Last term, on the 21st of June, the French Club ran the La Fête de La Musique at MGC, also known as Music Day. This is a festival that is celebrated in France not only to celebrate music, but also to enjoy the summer solstice, which also falls on the 21st of June. People are invited to play or perform music out on the street all day and there are free concerts during which musicians perform for fun. At school, we decided to capture the spirit of this festival by having some very talented students and teachers perform music at lunch. There was a mix of instrumentals, songs in French and songs in English. Despite it not being sunny and warm as it would be in France on the day, there was a huge turnout, and the performances were wonderful. The French Club collaborated with Beatrice James, the Music Captain, in order to make this event happen and it went very well thanks to all the help we had from the volunteers. We have many more exciting events coming up that we cannot wait to run!
Thanks to Alina, Blossom, Aahana, Charlotte, Jasmine, Maddie, Mr Turner and Mr De Gois for performing so well.
Zaynab Syed (9F)
Concert run sheet…
Blossom and Alina: Grandiose by Pomme
Mr Turner: Cherry Wine by Hozier
Aahana: Dernière danse by Indila
Charlotte: Le Cygne by Camille Saint-Saëns
Jasmine & Maddie: La Vie en Rose by Édith Piaf (flute duet)
Mr De Gois: Divenire by Ludovico Einaudi