Middle Years Program


This Term, Year 9 students have been undertaking their Community Project as part of their final year in the Middle Years Programme. 

The aims of the Community Project are to encourage and enable all students to:

  • Participate in a sustained self-directed inquiry within a global context
  • Generate creative new insights and develop deeper understandings through in-depth investigation
  • Demonstrate the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to complete a project over an extended period of time
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of settings
  • Demonstrate responsible action as a result of, learning
  • Appreciate the process of learning and take pride in their accomplishments

All students have chosen the community they will serve, the need within this community that they will endeavour to meet and one of the 6 MYP Global Contexts which provides the framework and connects their project to a specific area of need that is relevant to all global citizens. 

Students have set goals and targets, to do lists and should have had meetings with their allocated school supervisors. They have been asked to collect evidence along the way such as photos and any communication they have had. The project enables all students to develop important approaches to learning skills such as communication, research, social, self-management and thinking skills. We look forward to celebrating their successes in the Community Project when they present to a panel in their allocated time after the holidays.

Year 7 and 8 have also been undertaking Service as Action as part of their learning. Students have been researching and advocating on a cause/issue they are interested in. Have a look at some of the amazing digital posters some students have created which advocate for some very worthwhile organisations in our community.

Here at MESC, we thank the entire school community for supporting both Service as Action and the Community Projects. These are the heart of the IB MYP Programme. 

If you have questions about the Community Project or Service as Action, please contact myself here at the College. 

Kylie Russell

MYP Leader and Co-ordinator