Aspiring Leaders Day is a day where we invite year 5’s from around the Mt Eliza area. It is designed to empower remarkable young people and develop the changemakers of the future. This year about 140 year 5 students came to our school on the Wednesday and the Friday of week 6, term 3. On both of the 2 days the leadership team took on a small class each and ran activities with them. The activities we ran were to enhance the student’s skills that would challenge, exercise critical thinking, articulate their opinions and add to their confidence. Not only did all of these pros add to their skills it taught us how to take control and lead a group of students that look up to us.

A huge congratulations to all of the students who have completed the day, also to all of the Mt Eliza Student Leaders who have spent a great deal of time organising and running the event. Finally, a huge thankyou to the teachers who helped us bring together these days, Mrs Montinaro and Mrs Guerin without you these days could not be held!

Emily G Year 9