Around the College 

Showcase & Naz Spectacular 2023

Nazareth College proudly invites you to attend the annual Nazareth College Showcase and Nazareth Spectacular for 2023, during the first week of Term 4 – Thursday 5 October 2023.


Showcase is a celebration of all the incredible outcomes from the Visual Arts, Technology and Performing Arts students. The exciting Visual Arts and Technology works will be featured in the Ngargee room from 6.00 pm, and the live Performing Arts concert will begin in the Wheeler Auditorium at 7.00 pm. All our Musical Ensembles will be featured and also many of our Dance ensembles will perform.  Students have been rehearsing all semester and cannot wait to share their performances with you.


The Nazareth Spectacular is the second part of Showcase. This year, the cast of the 2023 Seussical The Musical will perform a few numbers from last terms show.  It will be the final time selected students and cast perform before auditioning and preparing the next production.

Vinnies Winter Sleepout Wrap up

This year’s Winter Sleepout was, in my opinion, a great success. This was my first ever sleepout with the school, but I will certainly return next year. It was well catered for, with soup and bread being served in the Joseph Centre for those who did not have dinner prior to coming. The night began with a prayer service in the Chapel, which was about those who may be less fortunate than us. Even a dollar could go a long way. Following the service were games. The games were well organised and very engaging. Such games included well known ones like celebrity heads and two truths and a lie. Another game played was the poverty game, which really puts into perspective how much people may be struggling and how many need help. The rest of the night was free time, with a movie (The Lorax) in the auditorium. It was officially lights out at about 12:30-1:00, so most had a good sleep. This was a fantastic experience, and I can't wait for the next one!

 Gordon Langley (Year 7 MK6)


The activities were really fun and inclusive. It was a great chance to mix with other Year levels. Harleen

A very positive experience. Lucas

No sleep! Isabella

A sense of community and sad that this is our last Sleepout. Sophie & Alessia

Very fun, nice to be with friends in our last year of school. Talei

It was alright. Luca 

A fun, bonding experience. Alessandra

A good distraction from the pressures of school & Year 12. Daniel

A good chance to spend time with friends. Lucas O

It made me grateful for having a comfortable home and bed. Abbie

An enormous thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Winter Sleepout. A special mention to Annie Shi and Julie Hoang for their organisation and coordination of the activities, and to the wonderful staff who facilitated the evening. We reached our goal of raising $2000.00, which will go towards making a difference to those who most need it. 

Vinnies Events Term 4

During Term 4, the Vinnies will be organising the final Fundraising Appeals for 2023 (hard to believe I am writing that!).


The Assist A Student Appeal is a wonderful initiative by the SDVP Society (see the blurb below) and is a significant fundraiser at Nazareth College. For the past six years, we have been supporting the education of school aged children in less developed countries. Our aim is for each pastoral group to raise the $100 needed to educate a child for a year.

On Thursday 5 October (first week of Term 4), students and staff are asked to wear casual clothes for a $3 donation and purchase sausages at lunchtime for $2 each. (Gluten free chicken sausages and a limited amount of vegan sausages will be available). 

Together, as a Nazareth community, we can make a real difference in the lives of many. Education is fundamental to changing the lives of young people and a way to escape the poverty cycle. We encourage everyone to support this  event and thank the Vinnies for organising this.


‘In many Asia Pacific countries, poverty denies talented individuals educational opportunities. Funds donated to the Assist A Student (AAS) Program contribute to addressing this challenge by helping to meet the educational needs of selected students in our partner countries each year. The students who receive education support under the AAS program are selected from families in need by local St. Vincent de Paul Society members in our partner countries.‘

Asia (Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand Pacific (Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, and Solomon Islands)


Every year, we run a Christmas Appeal, asking students and staff to donate toys (unwrapped) to the Giving Tree, which will be set up in the Resource Centre. These toys are then donated to one of our local Vinnie conferences associated with a parish, which then get distributed to needy families in the local area. They are always so appreciative of the efforts of the Nazareth Community. The tree will be set up at the start of Term 4, and we will collect donations until the end of the school term.  We encourage anyone to come and donate.



Ms Lisa Douglass

Vinnies Coordinator





On Sunday 27 September, nine Nazareth students embarked on the Spring Aerochallenge competition.


Out of eight teams, our brand new Aerodance routine came 1st place (Julia Mali, Chantelle Pitruzzello, Larissa Pitruzzello, Alicia Rasool, Shanaya Patel, Holly Gravell, Lilly Goggin, Lillie Esmonde, Alexandra Surenian). Despite a slight setback, with changing formations on the day of comp due to Jenna’s injury, they did a fantastic job at staying focused on adjusting the formations, learning them so quickly and performing confidently. Their performance was fantastic to watch.



Mr Chuck Chan

Sport and Academy Coordinator




E-Sports Club

It was a fast paced and packed gathering during Friday lunchtime for E-Sports Club! Students from Years 7 to 10 came to partake and watch the craziness and excitement that Mario Kart brings on the Nintendo Switch! In amongst all the thrills were the Years 7 and 8 students preparing in teams of two to partake in the Mario Kart Tournament occurring at Silverton Primary School this coming Friday. Let’s wish them well!


Mr Rosario Ripper

Instructional Leader Technology and Visual Arts