Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning Report

Year 7 to 10 Student Progress Interviews, Thursday 14 September

The Mid Semester Reports for Years 7 to 11 students, made available on PAM on Tuesday 5 September, provide a snapshot of student work habits for this term.  Continuous Reporting means that parents can already access detailed feedback on their child’s academic progress through the Learning Areas section of PAM.


For valuable, detailed discussion of your child’s progress, Year 7 to 10 teachers will be available by appointment on Thursday 14 September for the Years 7 to 10 Student Progress Interviews.  Details for bookings appointments via PAM have been provided via email. The meetings will be held on Zoom. While we encourage communication between parents and teachers throughout the semester, this evening provides a vital chance for all parents take advantage of the opportunity to discuss areas for improvement and for ensuring future success by making appointments with all subject teachers.  This will be particularly important for any parents who may have questions about pathways and promotions concerns for their child for 2024. 


For Year 12 VCE students, the final school-based report will be available on PAM in the second week of Term 4. 

VCE Unit 3 / 4 Trial Examinations

Year 11 & 12 students studying VCE Unit 3 / 4 subjects have received a letter about the Unit 3/4 Trial Examinations and the Trial Examination schedule. Performance on these compulsory exams – held at the College in the second week of the mid-semester break (Monday 25 September to Thursday 28 September) – are the best guide to which areas of skill and content students need to focus on for Term 4 and leading up to the Unit 3 / 4 examinations.  The importance of the final Unit 3 and 4 Examinations cannot be overstated, as all school-based results in every subject are moderated (changed) in line with the final VCE examination performances. The Trial Examinations, then, are invaluable in identifying areas that most need attention in studying from now until the final VCE examinations.



Ms Claire Nailon

Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning