Acting Principal/Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

It is with great sadness that I pass on to our community that our Deputy Principal Ms Claire Nailon’s sister Helen Nailon passed away last Friday 1 September 2023.  It has indeed been such a tough time for Claire having just lost her son Tom last month and we continue to hold Claire and all her family close to our heart in prayer, praying also for the repose of the soul of Helen. May they somehow experience God’s loving presence in their great loss and sadness.


Our Principal, Sam Cosentino, is currently on Enrichment Leave in Israel and, as I am writing this article, has just contacted me excitedly sharing that he is entering Nazareth. It prompts me to reflect a little on Nazareth and indeed Our Lord and the Holy Family. Scholars tell us that the public ministry of Jesus went for approximately three years (some would say between 1-3 years). We have heard the Gospel and it focuses on the period of His public life. For the majority of His life Jesus lived in Nazareth, a quiet, humble and holy life. Jesus would have worked hard, lived in a family, been a part of a broader community, had friends, colleagues and live a routine of ordinary life for the culture and time that he lived in. Jesus' hidden life reminds us of the sanctity of daily life and the sacredness of ordinary life. 


At Nazareth, Jesus was welcomed into a family. He lived with his Mother Mary and with Joseph and with them grew and matured and in a sense followed their example of living as a member of the community. Here at Nazareth College students are also welcomed into our Nazareth Family. Here they also grow and mature and we hope to help each student to recognise not only the sacred dignity, goodness and beauty of each and every person, but also the blessed sacredness of each and every moment and opportunity we have each day to live, love, learn, give and grow. When we are dealing with people we are dealing with something sacred, something special. Hence the ordinariness of each day is indeed and blessed ordinariness. 


It is our desire that this is the experience of all of our community – an experience of being welcomed into the community and meeting and going deeper in relationship with Jesus the Nazarene in the events, people, activities and experiences of the community. We give thanks for the gift of the students, the choice of parents entrusting their children to us, and for the partnership we share. May we all work together to further form and develop this community. If you have any concerns about the community please do not hesitate to contact the most relevant person so we can do whatever we can to make our community a holy and sacred place like that of Jesus' childhood.


We are currently in planning mode for 2024. As we are entering a new strategic period all of positions of leadership have been opened and we have been interviewing for all of these positions, some which are new ones for the development of the College. We have appointed most of these positions and hope to finalise the last few before the end of the term. We will share the staff and their new leadership positions in the next Newsletter.


Looking ahead, here are a few important dates to share:

  • Nazareth Mass celebrated by Bishop Tony Ireland on Thursday 14 September at 12.00 pm, Wheeler Auditorium.
  • Term 3 concludes Thursday 14 September 2023 at 1.00pm for students.
  • Student Progress Meetings via Zoom for Years 7-10, Thursday 14 September 2023, between 2.30 pm - 7.45 pm. 
  • Term 4 commences Monday 2 October 2023 (Day 1).
  • Year 12 Mass and Awards Evening at the College:  Wednesday 11 October 2023, 6.00 pm Mass, followed by the Year 12 Awards Presentation. 
  • Year 12 Breakfast and Dress Up Day:  Friday 13 October 2023, 8.30 am-11.30 am.
  • Year 12 Valedictory Celebration Dinner: Thursday, 16 November 2023, 7.00 pm.

Wishing all members of our Nazareth Community a safe and blessed break.


God Bless 



Mr Justin Duckett

Acting Princpa

Deputy Principal Staff and Students