Junior School

A message from Mrs Allen
I take this moment to stop and reflect on what has been a busy, challenging, successful and joyous year in the Trinity College Junior School. All students have pushed themselves to reach new heights, and we celebrate the personal learning journey of each one of them this week.
A special thank you to the Junior School parents who have been a constant support in the partnership between school and home. Your support means we are able to guide and assist students to grow and develop into young Men for Others.
To the wonderful staff across the Junior School; a team of dedicated and hard-working colleagues who always put their students first. This dedication takes a lot of their time and energy and for that we as a college are grateful.
I have thoroughly enjoyed being Acting Head of Junior School this year and have relished the opportunity to build relationships with students, staff and parents. Wishing all of the Junior School community a safe and holy Christmas and we look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2025.
To the Year 6 graduates, your tie in the Junior School has come to an end but I hope you take with you the lessons learnt along the way. Make sure to say hello when we pass in the courtyards next year.
Please see below for the exciting events held in the Junior School in this final week.
God Bless,
Holly Allen
Acting Head of Junior School
Presentation Night
Last Friday, November 22, Gibney Hall was transformed into a formal theatre for our annual Junior School Presentation Night. Parents and special guests in attendance were treated to a variety of astounding items from our choirs, instrumental groups and B.I.G. dance group. It was also a time to recognise some exceptional students through the Christian Leadership Awards, Endeavour Awards and Year 6 Subject Awards. A wonderful night of entertainment and celebration of what has been a jam packed and successful year for Trinity College Junior School. We also took the opportunity to formally introduce our 2025 Prefect Body to the Junior School Community. Congratulations to our 12 newly elected prefects, Deputy Head Prefect; Gideon Quinn-Smith and Head Prefect; Marcus Erceg. We know they will lead our school with honour and service.
Final TOBA Assembly
We came together as a Junior School for our final assembly on Wednesday November 27. It was jam packed with awards and certificates to recognise a variety of students who have excelled in their fields of expertise. Ignite program accomplishments, AMC certificates, ICAS certificates, Auxiliary Art awards, Golden Honour Awards and the prestigious TOBA Award. The students were even lucky to be treated to a visit from that special guy from the North Pole.
Excursion Day
On Thursday each year group celebrated the end of the year with a fun filled excursion. Year 4 went to the movies; Year 5 went to REVO Sports and Year 6 went to Outback Splash. A lot of fun was had by all, and we were especially proud of the student's behaviour as ambassadors of the College out in public.
Today marked a special day on the school calendar for our Year 6 cohort. They arrived to school with their parents and celebrated a beautiful Graduation Mass in the College Chapel. It was a tie of reflection, celebration and thanks. Each student received their graduation certificate and graduation photo. After mass the students and parents headed upstairs to Gibney Hall which had been transformed into a beautiful sit-down lunch. All this planning, decorating, serving and clean up was provided by Year 5 parent volunteers. A huge thanks goes to each and every one of them for ensuring the Year 6’s had a wonderful celebration to finish their Junior School journey.