TC Library & TCEC

Library Work Placement
We have been joined by former student Taylor Langer ('22) in the library for the last five weeks who has been with us on work placement. Taylor has been placed with us once a week through Carney's Training and has been visiting with his mentor Lachie Spickett who has been assisting Taylor to complete a variety of library tasks. This includes book returns and shelving, sorting of lost property and re-organising our chess sets and board games. Taylor said that placement in the library felt like returning home as he was in Head of Library, Ms Purnell's, PCG during his time at the College and spent every morning in the library before school started. His favourite activities on placement included catching up with staff including Ms McDowall, Mrs Ryan and Mrs Pagano and meeting Ms Pistorello. He also thoroughly enjoyed putting together a display of Roman History Books as he is an avid reader of history books himself!