Principal's Message

As we complete this school year, our attention will no doubt turn to celebrating Christmas. Over the last week or so, I have been overwhelmed by the heavy advertising of Black Friday sales, the promotion of spending big for Christmas and the constant reminders of ‘preparing the feast’ for the big day. They present a very commercial Christmas, a season characterised by urgency and indulgence brought about by social pressures to focus on expensive gifts and sale bargains. We must remind ourselves to listen out for the simple and beautiful message of Christmas and the joy of this season.
Of course, such a picture is in stark contrast to the very first Christmas day. Such a commercial image of Christmas certainly conflicts with the beautiful simple image of Jesus being born into the most modest of surroundings – a manger in a stable.
This is the image and message of Christmas that I much prefer. Christ’s birth and subsequent mission on earth was to bring us into a closer relationship with God and into a closer relationship with our families and each other. The lack of ceremony associated with Christ’s humble beginnings should serve as a reminder that Christmas should be a simple and joyful occasion where we are all reminded of the importance of our relationships with those that truly matter. As Christians, we are all challenged to return to the joy of Christmas. We are reminded to spend relaxing and quality time with family and friends, genuinely appreciative of those people who are important in our lives. We are also challenged to look beyond our own concerns and focus on the needs of others and how we may best serve them. This is a wonderful message and a timely challenge for us all as we move towards this holiday break.
As Christian people, it is essential that we do not allow the simplicity and power of the Christmas message to become lost in the frenetic pace of this holiday period. We do not want to miss opportunities for meaningful reflection and renewing important relationships. The humble nature of His birth reflects our own vulnerabilities and reminds us of the mercy and tender love of God which we are invited to embrace. What a great gift at Christmas and cause for true celebration.
On behalf of all of the Staff at Trinity College I would like to wish all of the students and families within our community a happy and holy Christmas. I hope that you get the opportunity to share the real message of Christmas, that it is a time of joy and an opportunity for reflection and relationship building. We pray that the gentle humility with which Jesus came into the world will serve as an example and inspiration for all people. I wish and pray, that His peace and love characterise your Christmas season.
As is always the case at the end of the school year, we have a number of students and staff who will be leaving our College Community in order to follow different pathways. To those who are leaving us, you do so with our best wishes and many blessings. Good luck into next year and we trust that some of the TC Spirit goes with you.
Finally, I offer my personal thanks to the Trinity College Community for the generous support that I receive as the College Principal. I am always humbled and encouraged by the kindness and good wishes of so many people. To all, I extend many prayers and wish you a Happy and Holy Christmas as we look forward to a wonderful 20253. Once again, I advise our families that our academic year will commence earlier next year with the first day for all students (Year 4-12) scheduled for Tuesday, 28 January (immediately following the Australia Day Public Holiday). Further details will be communicated early next year.
I hope that everyone enjoys a safe and relaxing holiday break. God Bless!
Live Jesus in our hearts
Mr Darren O’Neill