Missed Non Face to Face Update

Dear Teachers,
Where there is no CRT to fill specialist teachers, classroom teachers subsequently miss their non face-to face time (NFTF) and are required to proceed with their regular teaching and learning programs and duties.
Please note that missed NFTF attributed to the listed events cannot be reimbursed. This includes:
- Planned excursions
- Planned incursions
- School-based Professional Development (Curriculum Days or Professional Practice Days)
- External Professional Development workshops/seminars/conferences
The current options are available to communicate and pay back missed NFTF:
Option 1
Teacher to maintain a register of missed NFTF and communicate to Steph FORTNIGHTLY. See attached NFTF record template.
Accrue NFTF and be paid back when a CRT is available. This will be communicated by Steph by 9am each day.
Option 2 to commence in Term 3, 2024
Teachers to maintain a register of missed NFTF and communicate to Steph and Michelle McMaster FORTNIGHTLY. See attached NFTF record template.
- Teachers who miss NFTF have the option to make up NFTF (CRT) / paid out / combination of both - this is entirely the individual teachers decision
- If teachers opt to be paid missed NFTF – this will be processed fortnightly.
- If teachers opt for the paid time, there is an expectation that all accountability tasks are completed.
- JSA will offer $100.00 per hour of missed NFTF.