Message from the Principal Team

Week 7 Term 4 2024
Dear CNPS Families,
This week I have taken time to speak with Year 6 students about their experiences at CNPS. I wanted to check-in on how they are feeling as they come towards the end of their primary school journey. What was clear during these conversations was the mixed emotions students are feeling. Some are beyond excited about what lies ahead and moving into secondary school. Other students were freely talking about their nerves and the unknown. What was consistent in my conversations with Year 6 students, was that they will miss Carlton North Primary School and the connections they have made with their peers and teachers. I look forward to celebrating our Year 6 students at their special graduation on Thursday 19 December 2024.
Term 4 Professional Learning
Throughout Term 4 CNPS staff have engaged in many professional learning opportunities. Alongside the weekly meeting schedule that is managed and adjusted by the School Improvement Team, all staff often engage in tailored individual professional learning to enhance skills and knowledge. This year 3 staff members, Billy, Carlye and James were part of the Teaching Excellence Program (TEP). The TEP is a year long professional learning course that invites teachers to reflect on their practice and challenge their skills. On behalf of CNPS, I would like to thank these 3 staff members for their dedication to the profession and enhancing their capability as teachers at CNPS.
Building Project – UPDATE
As you may remember, in the 2024-25 State Budget, the Victorian Government granted our school a significant investment of at least $8.4 million to upgrade and modernise the school to give our students better learning spaces.
As you know, since completing our Asset Management Plan, our senior leadership has been working with the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) and architect to complete the project's schematic design. I can now share that this includes a design for a new multi-purpose centre – a key tenet of our Asset Management Plan. We are planning to upgrade the library and foundation classrooms, as well as the admin area, while conserving the valuable heritage components of the buildings. The VSBA have also advised the school community that public notice signage will be advertised along Lee and O’Grady Streets and an advertisement will be placed in the Public Notices section of The Age newspaper, at the direction of Heritage Victoria. The signage will advertise an application for a heritage permit to: “Construct a new multi-use hall in site’s north-west corner, internal alterations to the 1878 & 1914 buildings, and landscaping including a new outdoor deck to north of the main building.
Please visit Compass for more information about the building project.
Parenting Supports – Consent Education
As a school we engage in the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships curriculum (Foundation – Year 6), to support the development of students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. Throughout 2024 the Education sub-committee of school council have been discussing consent education. As such, School Council were keen to provide parents/carers any resources that may support consent conversations at home. One resource that was shared with CNPS was ‘Talking the Talk’ by Vanessa Hamilton. I have included the website for any parents/carers who may wish to access this information
2024 Swimming Program – Foundation – Year 4
On Monday 18 November 2024 the Swimming in Schools Program commenced for Foundation – Year 4 students. The program is designed to increase opportunities for students to learn how to swim and develop lifelong skills in swimming and water safety to reduce their risk of drowning and injury. The introduction of a crossing supervisor on Princes Street between 9am – 12pm on the days the swimming program is running has been successful. Thank you to the parents/carers who have volunteered thus far during the swimming program. Without your support the swimming program would be challenging to operate.
Foundation Breakfast
Last Thursday 14 November 2024 the annual Foundation breakfast was held at CNPS. Foundation students arrived at school in their pyjamas, ready for a special breakfast in the marnerlong building. A big thank you to Abaigail, Millie, Emily, Julia, Billy and Kathleen for organising and serving the breakfast. It was a lovely atmosphere and another opportunity for our students to make meaningful memories of their time in Foundation.
Please reach out to Jane, Erin or I should you have any questions or require support.
Warm Regards
Matthew Ferguson
Acting Principal