KLA Feature - Science

Recently the Science department had the opportunity to organise and present at the College Assembly. It had a full schedule but we had time to celebrate some students that have put themselves forward to try challenging competitions and activities.
A number of students received awards from the Education Perfect Science Championships for placing in the top 5% of this competition running across Australia and New Zealand. Two students received Credit Awards from the Science Olympiad exam.
We also presented our Year 9 students doing an extension project run by CSIRO in collaboration with local councils. Our students are working on mitigating heat stress and a solution to combat weed invasion into natural bushland. These teams will present to an audience at Kingswood TAFE later in November.
In the labs Year 9 are working on designing a ‘smart home phone app’ that is supposed to reduce emissions from energy use in the home. Year 7 is investigating the materials that are required to make a smartphone, while focussing on minerals and the mining that provides important minerals such as lithium. Year 8 is investigating the properties of water that make it so important for all life on Earth while Year 10 have looked at the characteristics of Earth that allow the presence of liquid water which supports life.
Mr Ian Fuller
Leader of Learning Science