Partnerships and Pathways

We were so excited to welcome back six wonderful alumnae to CCC for an exclusive and classy Year 12 Careers High Tea. These accomplished women generously returned to mentor and inspire our next generation of Chisholm graduates, as they prepare to embark on their own career journeys. Former College Captain and ABC News journalist, Chantelle Al-Khouri, was our keynote speaker and she captivated the audience with her career story of determination, persistence and passion, showcasing how she achieved her career goals and aspirations. The event also featured a panel discussion where our alumnae shared their career insights, followed by smaller breakout sessions for personalized career guidance.
Here is some of the feedback from students about what they enjoyed about the event:
“There were lots of diverse careers and (it) helped get a more broad idea of the careers available…they had interesting stories to share”
“Knowing that there are various career pathways that I can undertake rather than having tunnel vision towards one - and that I can always change my decision.”
“The speakers were part of our community…(and) it made the experience feel more comfortable and personal”.
“It’s inspiring to see women who have been in our position take on leadership roles.”
The High Tea is now an annual event on the Chisholm calendar and is designed exclusively for our Year 12 students as they embark on their HSC year. We deeply appreciate the generosity of our six alumnae and their valuable impact on shaping our students’ futures: Chantelle Al Khouri, Ava Musumeci, Blaire Marchand, Isabella La Malfa, Corinne Duffy and Alana Blowers. Leading local media outlet, ‘The Western Weekender’ featured the event in their current edition and you can read the article here.
The Careers and Pathways education program continued in homeroom wellbeing lessons last week, focusing on the theme "Where am I going, and how do I get there?" This term, students are visualising their future selves, exploring potential career paths, and identifying support networks (allies) to guide them. Using resources from Study Work Grow, they are engaging in action-oriented activities to start setting goals and planning their exciting pathways journeys. We look forward to seeing where their aspirations lead!
Our recent Lunch and Learn event was a great success, featuring Mel, a psychologist from Beneco, who spoke about careers in psychology. A big turnout of students from Years 7-12 learned about recommended school subjects, post-school pathways and various roles in the field. Mel shared her passion, challenges, and insights into unique career opportunities, leaving students inspired and well-informed. The strong interest in psychology among our Chisholm students continues to grow!
Our six Year 10 (Year 11 2025) SRC Leaders - Marchella Isabell, Dilpreet Kaur, Fatima Syeda, Shayma Hallani, Olivia Anastasio and Anastasia Rubelj - participated in a highly valuable Human Rights Leadership Forum at ACU Strathfield this week. In a partnership with The Brainary, the forum offered our newly appointed senior student leaders a practical opportunity to learn about human rights and the importance of respecting others' freedoms. Our leaders had the opportunity to collaborate with other secondary students, through gameplay discussion and reflection, a fascinating open Q & A forum with Australian Human Rights Commissioner, Lorraine Finley, and a session proposing ideas to enhance human rights in schools.
Students from Years 7-12 can find out about all the latest pathways opportunities and keep up to date with all our careers news and resources at our school’s Careers at Canvas site, as well as through the Ponder Pathways Hub and Beyond.
For any pathways enquiries, or to book a coaching conversation, students can pop into the library or email us: and
Mr Adam MacNamara
Partnerships and Pathways