From the Leader of Faith and Mission

Kenny and Wright House Initiatives
This term our key focus of support for our House initiatives is women. To support women in our local area and across Australia the Kenny and Wright houses are raising awareness and much needed funds for DV West and National Breast Cancer Foundation. In Week 1 all students participated in a Pastoral Care lesson dedicated to learning more about the two organisations and how women are impacted by domestic violence or breast cancer. Students were able to write messages of support which created a paper chain as a visual reminder of our focus.
This week all students were given a pink or purple ribbon to show their support and solidarity with women who are experiencing hardship. Students have also been invited to donate activity packs or board games to DV West to assist families. On Friday, 22 November students will also hold a cake stall to raise additional funds for both charities. Students and parents can pre-purchase baked goods via the QKR app or make a monetary donation.
Walk Against Violence
Students and families are invited to join Penrith City Council on their Annual Walk Against Violence on Sunday, 8 December. This walk will begin at 9am with formalities at Nepean Avenue Penrith (near the blue tree). The 1.8km walk ends at Tench Reserve, Penrith where participants can enjoy light music, reflective activities and a free coffee and breakfast BBQ supported by Rotary Clubs. Over ninety students at the college volunteered to create posters that will be displayed along the walk raising awareness of key issues relating to violence and promoting positive relationships.
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Hampers
The MacKillop House Leaders are also running the annual St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal which involves students and families donating non perishable Christmas food items to create hampers for families in need in our local community. Monetary donations will also be accepted on QKR. All students in homerooms have nominated an item to contribute to their class hamper. Donations will be accepted until Monday, 2 December.
Mrs Jeanette Cocks
Leader of Faith and Mission