From the Principal Leader

Dear students, staff, parents and friends of Chisholm,
HSC Examinations 2024
I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt congratulations to your very special HSC Class of 2024 who have completed their HSC Exams with great dedication, drive and commitment. These young women have worked incredibly hard and deserve high commendation for their hard work and efforts in working in close collaboration with their peers to achieve their personal best. Well done Chisholm ladies! Your teachers, staff and parents are all equally proud of you and we are all looking forward to sharing in the delight of your HSC results when they arrive on Wednesday 18 December at 9:25am for a celebratory morning tea together. We hope that as many of our Year 12 students as possible can attend and share in the great news of your HSC results on this day! We are all looking forward to seeing you here at the college on this very special day.
Year 12 Formal
The Year 12 Formal was held at Rosehill Racecourse and was a great event that was enjoyed by the students and staff alike. Thank you to the students of the fabulous Year 12 2024 who dressed elegantly and danced the night away with great energy and enthusiasm. Thank you to Ms Jodie Cusack, Year 12 Year Leader and Mrs Charmaine Rossetto, Assistant Year 12 Leader who organised this event with Mrs Sandra Dawson (Business Manager) ensuring that the event was a true success in every way.
Careers High Tea event
Congratulations to our Partnerships and Pathways Coaches who organised an outstanding Careers High Tea with 5 of our treasured Alumni from the college who shared their personal experiences and gave the young women of Chisholm great advice about their career journeys. Please see further information in the Partnerships and Pathways section of the newsletter. Thank you once again to our exceptional ex-students who generously give back to their community helping shape the lives of the young women of Chisholm.
May God bless you and keep you safe on your journey
Mrs Tania Cairns
Principal Leader