Specialist Classes

Miss Wooden has had a wonderful time teaching STEM for the beginning of this term but we are happy to welcome back Mrs McKiernan. The students have been busy finishing work to impress her with all of our new learning. The older years have learned about erosion and its impact on the Earth's surface. The year 3-4 studied photographs of locations around the world and identified the effects of erosion and weathering. They also created a blue Earth and discussed the impacts of human actions. The year 5-6 analysed life by the coast as these people are directly impacted by erosion. They identified the causes of erosion and the positives and negatives of living in the locations. The younger year levels have been learning about what we wear in the different seasons and the activities we do during different times of the year.
This week in STEM, the junior classes began planning and creating a diorama of how Earth’s resources are used in different seasons. Each student started to plan out which two seasons they will represent in their shoebox diorama for a specific environment ie; a billabong, desert, forest, beach, etc. In one half of the box, the students will design their environment for a particular season which may include different elements of Earth’s resources, such as trees, creeks, rocks, plants and water, making sure that those elements look the way they would in their chosen season. They can also include themselves or an animal that lives in their chosen environment in their diorama. I can’t wait to see how these projects come together over the next few weeks!!!!
Everyone has been very active with sporting events this term. We have had the senior boys and girls attend a cricket tournament and junior class attend the Kaboom Sports day at Ky P-12.
We have also been playing cricket in PE sessions. The students have been working on their hand-eye coordination through Semester 2 and are now using these skills while playing cricket. We have been practising catching the ball, watching the ball while batting and working as a team, especially when batting with a partner. It has been great to see the students take on this new challenge and get involved in a different sport!
Lots of messy fun in Art lately working with different types of clay learning and developing new modelling skills. And look at these wonderful creations! The junior classes have been making some colourful gorgeous birds, nests and eggs and our older students are creating slab clay mask faces and vessels which they will paint and glaze once they are dry. We love working with clay and using the best tools we have- our hands.