Principal's Message

School Philosophy
Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.
From the Principal
Hi everyone
We have had another busy few weeks - the fire brigade has come to visit our Foundation students, and our Year 1 students had their afternoon tea at school. We also celebrated Diwali. I would like to thank all of the parents who helped us with this celebration - from spending time helping us decorate the school to supporting the students with their dance on Friday at assembly. It is wonderful to share in the celebrations in our community and alongside the parents I would like to thank Tulin Kaya for her work in this space.
If you feel there is something we should include in our 2025 celebrations, please do not hesitate to contact Tulin, our EAL teacher.
I would also like to congratulate the students who represented our school at the state track and field championships. We are so proud of their achievements in making it to the state level and I would like to thank Jarrod Liston for being the school contact and supporting the students in their endeavours.
A thank you also goes to our JSC representative for their Remembrance Day ceremony on Monday. They did a great job leading our school in this service.
We have a high amount of lost property now that the weather is better and students are leaving their belongings outdoors at playtime. Please ensure that all uniform is named as this will ensure we can return all of the items found around the school. At present, we are finding that only about 50% is named and this is making it hard to return items. Whilst on uniforms - please refer to the Compass notification sent out by Andrew Moore around our uniform policy and how to comply with this.
Finally, we are aware of swooping birds out on Holland Road near the crossing and the council have been notified of the issue. They have been out to the area and reports are that it is a native noisy miner raising their young. As a native species, they are protected under the Wildlife Act 1975. The council will action some signage to be put out near the area to warn the public about the swooping issue in the area and have forwarded on an information sheet which can be viewed below. Thank you to those of you who have raised this issue with the council.
Till next time.
Michelle Ogilvie