Auslan News

In the last fortnight students have worked on completing all the tasks set throught the term.
Year 3 - have worked on signs related to the days of the week and months of the year.
Year 4 - have worked on signs related to transport.
Year 5 - have worked on signs related to Jaycob Campbell Auslan sign artist.
Year 6 - have worked on signs related to describing themselves.
I would like to wish all the students and the MPHPS community a fabulous holiday break and I would especialy like to thank the Auslan Capitains this year for being diligent, reliable and willing to help out in various occasions throughout the year. I have really enjoyed working with you all and I have really loved watching you grow and flourish into the fabulous students that you have become. I wish the Auslan Captains as well as all the year 6 students the best for their future. Looking forward to seeing everyone else back back next year!
Mrs Dai