Principal's Message

Welcome to our final newsletter for 2024
Where has the year gone? This will be our final newsletter for the year, as you will receive a bulletin next week with 2025 staffing and any final reminders to close the school year. We know there are plenty of questions around classes and teachers for 2025, this is being finalised now and the students will meet their new teachers and classmates as part of Step Up on Wednesday 18th December.
I would like to highlight and acknowledge the following:
- Thank you to our School Councillors for their enthusiasm and commitment to MPHPS throughout the year. You are a brilliant team of people.
- The 2025 student free days have now been approved. This information will be posted for you in this newsletter and the final bulletin. Please make a note of these dates now so that you can confidently plan.
- The Colour Run was a huge success for everyone involved. Thank you to the Specialists for their enormous effort in organising this, and to each one of you for your participation and support. Funds raised go directly back into school programs.
- The School Saving Bonus information has now gone out. Don’t forget to action your code.
- The Year 6 Graduation will occur on Monday 14th December. This will be a lovely acknowledgement and celebration of 7 years at MPHPS. We look forward to this gala event.
- The end of year assembly and Christmas performance will occur on Friday 20th December at 9.30am. All families are welcome
- Camp Australia have been incredibly supportive of MPHPS and we thank them for the contribution of the new seating near the basketball court.
You will notice over Term 1 in 2025 that changes to our landscape will happen. The Department are collecting portables to be placed in new and developing schools that have had enrolment bursts. As we are now in a low / slow growth area, our need for excess buildings is not justified. What does this mean for us?
- Year 3 are moving to the current Year 2 block and will share the building
- Senior Performing Arts are moving to the old 6A&B double
- Rock Band are moving to the back of the Year 4 portables
- Auslan and Sci Tech are next door to each other in the Year 5 gallery
- Movement and relocation of IT resources – screens, projectors etc
- An extraordinary clean up and re organisation of resources – some items being donated to other schools and other worn out items heading to the skip
- Redevelopment of maps, emergency plans and room locations
- Consideration of the spaces that remain after the buildings are removed. Once we see our blank canvas, we can plan ahead
While this process is happening, we will also be having 2 new playgrounds installed by the Year 4 portables and the Learning Hub. These wonderful additions are due to careful planning, saving and amazing student and community fundraising. I also acknowledge Camp Australia who have provided a significant and most generous donation towards the new equipment. We are incredibly grateful. We appreciate our fabulous School Council for their endorsement and encouragement, and we all know that this is something special for the students.
We thank everyone for their understanding and support during this time. If any of you have ever moved house while continuing to manage the day to day, you will know what we are dealing with right now. We appreciate the continual smiles and gratitude shown. This behaviour and positivity reflects on who you are …so thank you
Have a great week