From Leadership

Dear Families,


Last week I (Simon) informed families that I will leaving Galilee at the end of this school year. It will conclude my time as Principal for the past nine years. It has been my absolute pleasure to work with such an incredible community. Together we have worked persistently to improve student learning, enhance school facilities and increase parent and community connectedness.

I look forward to knowing that the students, staff and families will be enjoying the sports stadium and contemporary learning spaces. 

Plans for a new facility began in Term One of 2016 with the formation of a Building Committee. We developed a masterplan and lobbied strategically over three years before obtaining bipartisan support for a $5 million grant in the days before the 2018 State Election. The local council then blocked our application due to the presence of a tree (that dropped large branches and was a safety risk to all) at the front of the proposed new facility. We lobbied the council in the lead up to their election and had the decision overturned successfully. Construction was delayed due to COVID restrictions and a shortage of resources and labour. In the meantime, students had to play outside in a restricted space. 

Eventually construction was completed towards the end of 2022 before water damage prevented use of the stadium in 2024. The damage will be repaired in the coming weeks and full usage restored to the school community. It has been a lengthy and determined process to complete this amazing facility, but one that will be utilised by the Galilee and local community for many years.

I have been appointed Principal of St Vincent's Primary School in Clear Island Waters, Queensland (Gold Coast) where two of our adult children live. I am very excited for my next challenge, but will forever be grateful for the opportunity to have been Principal at Galilee.


Student Free Day on Friday 29th November

Today staff worked on setting the strategic direction and plan for 2025. Staff analysed data, reviewed evidence and research, and set strategic directions to ensure that Galilee continues to develop and improve student learning.


Student Christmas Carols

This year all students will be singing Christmas Carols at a special assembly on Friday 6th December from 2.40pm. All families are invited to attend. Students are able to wear a 'touch of Christmas' on Friday 6th December. 


GPA Outdoor Christmas Cinema Event on Friday 6th December


We would like to invite all Galilee families to join us for our end of year Christmas Carols & Movie Night. Friday 6 December!

  • Gates to this event will open from 5.30pm with food trucks and a giant slide.
  • From 6pm - 7pm live Christmas Carols singalong led by Joth Hunt and co 🎤 🎶
  • Visit from Santa at 7.15pm - ⁠Outdoor cinema showing Elf starring Will Ferrell starting at 7.30pm 
  • BYO picnic 🧺 Please note, this is an alcohol free event.
  • Tickets $5 per person

Term 4 - Whole School Events and Activities

We have a number of whole school events and activities planned for this term that we would like you to take note of:

  • Prep - Year 2 Athletics Carnival - Friday 6th December
  • Student Christmas Carols at Assembly on Friday 6th Decmeber
  • Family Christmas Event with Carols - Friday 6th December from 5pm
  • Term 4 ends at 1.30pm on Tuesday 17th December. Year 6 students finish the day before on Monday 16th December. 

Please see important dates or the school calendar for additional events.


2025 Term 1 Dates

  • The first day of school in 2025 for students in Year 1-6 will be Thursday 30th January
  • The first day of school in 2025 for Prep students will be Monday 3rd February
  • Prep students will not attend school on Wednesdays in February
  • The last day of Term 1 will be Friday 4th April
  • More Term 1 dates have been published on the Important Dates and Information page of this newsletter.
  • All other 2025 term dates and closure day dates will be published in the last newsletter for 2024. 

We wish you every blessing in the coming weeks.


-Simon Millar, Amy Burns and Richard Harding

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