Principal's News

Kate Whitford


Dear Parents/Guardians, 


This week!!

It may have been a short week but we sure made the most of it by packing in some great opportunities such as Kaboom Sports, T20 Cricket, visits from our local  Ambulance and police officers and Community clubs.


 State Athletics

On Wednesday Orly competed against the best 9/10 year old 800m runners from across Victoria for the second year in a row. Well done Orly!



 Attendance and Assessment                                                                                                                

In the coming weeks, as well as continuing with their teaching programs, staff are reviewing and assessing student’s performance in many areas of the curriculum. There are a range of scheduled assessments pertaining to reading, writing and numeracy which all students will be participating in. To ensure your child has the opportunity to be the best they can be it is important for your child to- 


1. Be at school every day possible

2. Be well rested 

3. Be at school on time after a healthy breakfast.   


Sun Smart

As the weather warms up please remind students to wear their school hat while playing outside. Students without hats will be asked to sit in the library or wellbeing room.   NO HAT, NO PLAY!


Kate Whitford