Catholic Identity

Creator God, we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, as we walk together on your path of love, hope and faith.
Thank you for the gifts of our school,
our environment, our families and friends.
May our school be a place of learning, care, welcome and celebration.
Mary our Mother, pray for us.
St Mary of the Cross, pray for us.
The Feast of Christ the King
The start a new Liturgical - Year C
On Sunday, it was the Feast of Christ the King, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of the liturgical year and honours the universal reign of Jesus Christ as King of Heaven and Earth. This feast reminds Christians that Christ's kingship is not based on earthly power but on His divine authority, love, and sacrifice. During Jesus' time on earth, he showed great humility, service, and the victory of good over evil. The Feast of Christ the King calls believers to recognise Christ as the centre of their lives and to align their actions with His values of justice, mercy, and peace. It is a celebration of the ultimate triumph of Christ's kingdom, which will last forever.
Our readings on Sunday, drawn from Daniel 7:13-14, Apocalypse 1:5-8, and John 18:33-37, all serve to highlight the eternal authority and kingship of Jesus Christ.
In Daniel, the Son of Man is given dominion, glory, and a kingdom that will never pass away, symbolising His ultimate sovereignty.
Apocalypse echoes this by proclaiming Jesus as the faithful witness and ruler of the kings of the earth, affirming His divine authority and eternal reign.
In John, Jesus Himself acknowledges His kingship but clarifies that His kingdom is not of this world, pointing to a spiritual reign that surpasses earthly authority.
Collectively, these passages present Christ as a divine ruler and a sovereign who reigns over all creation. Yet, they also reveal a more profound, spiritual reality that exceeds earthly realms, highlighting that His kingdom is not of this world. He is the guiding light of hope, love, mercy and compassion.
Almighty and eternal God,
To Jesus Christ, the first-born from the dead, you have granted everlasting dominion and a kingdom that shall not pass away. Remove from us every desire for privilege and power, that we may imitate the sacrificial love of Christ our King and, as a royal and priestly people, serve you humbly in our brothers and sisters. Amen
—Collect for the feast of Christ the King (International Commission on English in the Liturgy)