In RE, we have started our unit called The Feast of the Christmas season. The Year 5/6’s have been researching the different Feasts during this time and the meanings behind them. Based on the events that occur during the Christmas season, they will make a triptych (three-panelled painting). If you have any empty large cereal boxes, we would appreciate donations for this activity as soon as possible.
Over the last fortnight, the Yr 5 and 6’s have been diligently learning more about Persuasive writing while creating a text with the title: Is It Safe to Ride a Bike to School? Their dedication to this topic, with some students choosing to take the affirmative view while others were against it, is truly commendable. During this writing, they had to work on vocabulary and punctuation choices while remembering to use paragraphs for each new idea. This week we will start a Narrative piece of writing with the title: Explosion. Over the next few weeks, we will be reading our texts and using them for Literature Studies.
We completed our unit on mass, capacity, and volume during the mathematics lesson and started a new unit on angles using the new Ochre lessons. The students enjoyed the retrieval tasks, presentations, and booklet. The lessons are set out, so the students’ knowledge is built on and then extended. There are hands-on activities embedded within the program. Last week, the students had to make the angles of acute, obtuse, and reflex using their arms and then rulers or pens/ pencils to make the same angles within a game.
All year the students have enjoyed playing the game "Windows" after packing up and the afternoon prayer
The students have been working very hard to learn their lines for the Whole School Production. They love the songs and the dance that goes with one of them. I am most impressed with the students who had already learned their lines by heart a week beforehand. Well done! It should be an evening to remember since the student wrote the script under Miss Parry’s guidance. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed rehearsing it with them.
Here are a few photos from the rehearsal with the Yr 5 & 6’s on Monday for The Lightning Express Whole School Production.