Principals Message

Dear families,
We are rapidly approaching the end of 2024 but there are still some really exciting events, celebrations and learning to take place between now and the end of the year that we are looking forward to.
Tonight, we have our production of ‘The Lightning Express’ in the hall. Ms Parry and the students have been working tirelessly on this project over the past couple of terms and everyone is really looking forward to how the event unfolds tonight. During the day today, we held our dress rehearsal/matinee and were excited to have residents from the Waranga Hostel and the Kindergarten attend the show.
Tonight, the doors open at 5:30pm for drinks and snacks for a 6pm start. We ask that the students are at the hall at 5:30pm to get ready.
We can’t wait to see the show and are looking forward to having lots of families and friends in attendance.
End of Year Mass and Graduation
On Friday 6 December, we have our end of year Mass, Graduation and BBQ. This is a time for us to come together to celebrate the Mass, the achievements of our amazing 2024 Year 6 cohort and all the achievements that our school has experienced throughout the year. We hope to ensure that this is a really special moment for the Year 6’s as they finish their primary schooling and prepare for commencing secondary school.
Last Friday, we held our 2024 school Fete. This event was highly successful and could not have happened had it not been for the organisation and running by our wonderful Parents and Friends committee. I cannot thank all of our volunteers enough for all that you do for our school, we are truly grateful.
Our profits for this year will go toward assisting our school excursions and camps to ensure that we can continue to plan these wonderful events for our children amidst rising costs associated.
School Fees 2025
In 2025, our school will have some slight changes to our fees and levies figures to help reflect the costs associated with the operations of the school. Across the board, with the advice of CESL and in line with other like-schools, we have made a 5.6% increase to our fees and levies. Please see the ‘School Fees & Levies (2025)’ flyer within the newsletter. It is important to note that our fees and levies remain lower on average than other non-government schools and do not deviate too much from other local schools.
In 2025, our school is in a position to offer a significant reduction in school fees and levies for those families who hold a valid Health Care Card. Please see the attached ‘Health Care Card HCC 2025 update’ flyer within the newsletter or contact the office for more information.
We understand the pressures of cost of living at present on all families and are committed to supporting those who need additional assistance. To ensure that all families have access to quality education, and all children have the opportunity to thrive, I ask that you come and talk to me at any time if you feel the burden of fees if beginning to take its toll.
Pupil Free Day - Magnify
On Friday, we have a pupil free day to allow our staff (including any new staff members) to begin planning for next year.
We will be exploring our new ‘Magnify’ framework, unpacking the various scopes and sequences and beginning planning for, what will look and feel like, a very different and exciting learning environment for the children, staff and families at St Mary’s.
Swimming Carnival
On Monday of next week, we have our 2024 Swimming Carnival in Stanhope. Please see SIMON Everywhere for more details.
As you know, our school strives for 95% attendance for all of our students. If a child misses just 10 minutes of school per day, that equates to nearly 6 days per year. Through SIMON Everywhere, we have set up monthly reminder percentages to be generated and sent to families to enable you to monitor your child's attendance.
In my experience, families often do not realise how much their children have missed unless it is continually monitored.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact or come and see me if you have any questions or queries.
God bless you all,
Vin Ryan