A message from Margie
Around the World in 80 Minutes
Below you will find the details of Tuesday's performance, Around the World in 80 Minutes:
- Takes place on Tuesday, December 10 at 6pm.
- Students need to be at school in their costumes at 5:45. We suggest that everyone arrives at this time and gets seated so that we can start right at 6pm, and finish within the 80 minutes! 🤞
- School students will be seated on mats on the floor in front of the audience; toddlers and high school students please sit with parents.
- We will be ushering everyone into the evening performance, starting at the front and moving to the back. Please do not leave any spaces so that we can fit everyone in since we only have room for the exact number of allocated tickets.
- As noted in the School News section, the evening performance will be very full and will be ticketed. Each family is allocated 2 seats. You can book these at no cost through this Try Booking link: https://www.trybooking.com/CVKCN
- Families of year 6 graduating students can access an extra 2 ticket by contacting Sallie or the front office.
- We will be putting on a matinee at 11am on Tuesday morning (Dec 10) and we welcome any family members who were unable to get a ticket for the evening performance to attend this to see the wonderful performance. This session is not ticketed.
Siblings and toddlers
We have a request about siblings and toddlers. We understand that older siblings of students performing love the opportunity to catch up with their former classmates at this event. Before and after the performance is a great time for this! However, we ask that they only attend the event if they have a ticket, and that during the performance they remain inside and sit with their parents/carers, to allow the focus to be on the students on stage without distraction. We also ask that preschool children stay with their responsible adult, and not sit with the school students on the floor. Please note that although each family is only allocated 2 tickets, preschoolers can sit on parents' laps. Thank you!
Following the performance:
- The Uraidla Football Club are putting on a sausage sizzle; no need to pre-order, just pay on the night. $3 per sausage (sorry, no gluten-free or vegetarian options this time) and $1.50 for a fruit box.
- The Hokey Pokey ice cream van will be on site too!
- Bring a picnic rug, drinks and other food your family might enjoy, and plan to celebrate the great year we've had with the whole school community following the performance! I'll organise the weather 😬.
We have loved meeting our new Reception students at three transition visits this term. They all seem ready and enthusiastic for school!
... and of course our Year 6 students are also attending transition visits to high school. It hardly seems possible; it seems like no time since they were sitting on the mat in Reception too!
At our last assembly, we were so pleased to give some major awards to students:
- The Heysen Award for community service to Elsa Marsland.
- The Mayo Award Winner for outstanding leadership to Nilah Lochhead
- Terrific Kids awards for Term 4 to Tyson Braley and Olivia Hofmeyer
- Journey to Dreaming First Nations Leadership Awards to Arlo Turner and Wolf Turner
Congratulations to all of our deserving award winners! 😊🥇
End-of-year reminders
- Volunteers morning tea Wednesday, December 11 at 9:00 am in the school gym. If you have helped out with camps and excursions, being on a school committee such as P and F or Governing Council, have volunteered on a school stall, helped out in the classroom or volunteered in any other way, we would love to have the opportunity to thank you. We couldn't do what we do without our generous volunteers!
- Graduation for year 6 students on Thursday, December 12 at 6:30 pm in the gym.
- End of Year assembly at 1:30 Friday, December 13, early dismissal 2:10pm. We will also be bidding our Year 6 graduates farewell with a guard of honour on the final day of school Friday, December 13 at the End of Year assembly at 1:30. We would love to have all adults and children participate in this... last year we made it onto the oval with our guard of honour, let's see how far we get this time!
Have a wonderful final week of school, and I hope you all enjoy the end-of-year events! 🙂