Key Dates & Reminders


Below are list of some of the main dates for Family Calendars for the remainder of the year: 


November Dates

Tuesday 26th November - Year 6 Bike Ride

Wednesday 27th November - School Mass 

December Dates

Monday 2nd December - Year 5 & 6 Water Safety Sessions 

Thursday 5th December  - Nativity Performances @ 2:30, 6:00 & 7:00

Monday  9th December - 2025 Year 1 - 6 Orientation Session

Thursday 12th December  - Year 6 Graduation @ 7:00 in the Hall

Tuesday 17th  December -  End of Term 12:30 Students finish


Below are some of our important Calendar Dates for next year.  Parents may like to pencil these into your family calendars.  Please be aware that some dates may change due to circumstances beyond our control.


Term Dates

Please see the table below for next year’s Term dates:

Prep 2025 Rest Dates

Please see the table below for the scheduled Rest Days for next year’s Preps:

School Closure Dates

All Catholic Primary Schools within the Archdiocese of Melbourne have school closure days each term for staff to attend professional development.  Please see the table below for next year’s School Closure dates:


Current school families were sent the Direct Debit Forms for next year, earlier in October.  A reminder these forms need to be returned by 1st December to ensure that your preferred payment schedule can be set up fully prior to the first payment date.  Thank you once again to all the St John’s families for your continued support.


Due to high temperatures last week, our Year 6 end of year bike ride and celebration was postponed until today. Thanks to Jill, our Bike Ed Teacher and all the Year 6 staff for the time and effort you have put into planning and preparing for today’s event. 


On Thursday 5th December, some members of our St John’s School Choir in conjunction with our Year 2s will be presenting the Nativity Story.  Parents are invited to attend one of 3 Nativity Performances @ 2:30, 6:00 & 7:00.   The first performance will occur during school time, with the other two performances occurring later in the day. All parents will be sent a booking form link later this week, so they can secure up to 6 seats. We are very excited to gather as a school community to celebrate the festive season and recall the meaning behind Christmas, which is to remember the birth of our Saviour, Christ.  


Families wishing to end the year early to commence family holidays are asked to contact the office to complete documentation which outlines your expected return dates to school. This is vital also for families who may not be back for the commencement of the 2025 school year. Clear communication enables us to ensure all enrolment placements can be held with confidence. 


Families should also be aware that the first weeks of the school year are an important time whereby your child becomes familiar with their new classmates, teacher and the routines of the new class. Families should think carefully about these impacts before booking extended holidays.


As the school is now under the governance of MACS, school fees are determined using a system wide formula.  This formula takes into account each school’s loans, current building projects and the school’s allocated DMI index.  Below are the calculated School Fees for St John’s for 2025, which are inline with this new model.  The model includes a Capital Levy which  assists schools with the repayment of any current building loans.  St John’s is currently in Stage 4 of our building program and as such we fall under the category requiring a Capital Levy.  Please be assured that St John’s has tried to minimise the impact these changes will have on household budgets.  Families with a current Government Health Care Card are reminded that they are eligible for concessions to the Family Tuition Fee.

Family Tuition Fee - $1840 per family

Student Levy - $400 per student

Capital Levy - $100 per family

Parish Stewardship Program - Our parish of St Andrew’s Werribee encourages a family contribution of $260 per family