Project-Based Learning 

Students in years 7-9 undertake several project-based learning (or PBL) subjects. These subjects are designed to provide students with a situational task whereby students must either attempt to solve a problem or produce a product based on a common theme. 


One PBL subject that year 7 students complete is Joy in a Toy. 


In this subject, students are required to design their toy and then develop the skills needed to produce it. For the students, this means deciding what style of toy they want, what shape or character they would like to use and making decisions on how they produce them. 


Along with the design skills, students are then required to develop the necessary understanding of how to safely use a variety of tools to create their designs effectively. Students have produced a surprising array of toys this year, which I am sharing with you. 


Remember that many of these are still a work in progress and will be finished as the semester ends.