Cultural Studies and Library

As we come to the end of the year, we have lots of exciting cultural celebrations that will happen over the next few weeks. As a multicultural school, we acknowledge that we may have many different beliefs and traditions in our community. We encourage our students to respect an individual’s right to have different beliefs, and to learn about them all to encourage inclusion and cultural understanding.
So, over the next couple of months we say:
Prep: Cultures of this School
The preps have loved learning about the cultures of our School. We learnt about Iran, China, India and Korea in Term 3 and early Term 4. In the second half of Term 4 we learn all about Malaysia and Japan. Students from these countries were SO excited to share their traditions and culture!
Students especially enjoyed watching some of Ms Foster's travel vlog from when she was in Malaysia and looking at our mini sushi shop!
Level 1 - 6: Celebrations of the World
We continued to explore many exciting celebrations from around the world this term. Some of these included Blossom Festival and Children's day in Japan, Thanksgiving and 4th of July in the USA, Mid-Autumn Festival in China, Korean New Year, Hannukah, Orthodox Easter and Christmas around the world.
Some highlights included playing the game 'Yut Nori' for Korean New Year and playing 'Spinning the Dreidel' for Hanukkah.
Library Update
Just a reminder that borrowing at the school library has now closed and all books are due back as soon as possible.
There is a considerable number of books that are overdue, and we are hoping to have them returned before the end of the year.
If you are not sure what books you still have, please talk to Ms Foster and she can give you a list. If you cannot find your books, please let Ms Foster know via email ( or a note and she will remove them from your name. Thank you!
Finally, I would not be able to run the library on top of teaching Cultural Studies without my amazing team of volunteers.
To my fantastic group of Grade 5 library monitors - Thank you for being responsible and remembering to collect your baskets on your designated day. Thank you for being helpful and friendly at all times! Also, thank you to your teachers for releasing you from class to complete this role for me!
Grade 4's - I will need new monitors next year so be ready to apply next year!
My parent helpers are an amazing team of mums! They are dependable, flexible and conscientious and help me keep my head above water on a daily basis (or perhaps head above a mountain of returned books!!). They were especially helpful during my Long Service Leave where they stepped in and took control of the library, ensuring I returned to an ordered, neat space! Thank you to Jyotsna, Monica, Erin, Steph H, Shirley and Stephanie P and all those parents who covered books for me throughout the year!
If you would like to volunteer next year, please look out on compass in 2025 for my callout!