Principal's November Report

We at Aitken Hill Primary School recognise the rich Aboriginal heritage within our community and acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung, which includes the existing family members of the Gunung-Willam-Balluk clan, as the Traditional Custodians of this land. We embrace Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander living cultures as a vital part of Australia’s identity and recognise, celebrate and pay respect to Elders past, present and future.


In our ever changing world, it is important to be aware of our young people's online interactions. 

Commonsense media is a website that helps parents and educators navigate the content of online apps, movies, books, tv shows, games, podcasts and youtube. The site recommends age appropriate media for children and also gives ratings and information about what you will and won't find in the app etc. This is especially helpful given the vast array of content children can access and will helps parents and carers feel more comfortable about what we allow children to use.


Last week at Sienna from 2F read out her letter to everyone at assembly. Sienna's idea is to have a library club in the new building for students to visit at lunch time. This is a great idea that we look forward to adding to our clubs students can visit next year. Sienna received 4 CARE tickets, for Caring for her Learning, School, Self and Others. Congratulations Sienna and thank you for being so brave to share at assembly with close to 1000 people!



Our House Leaders are again hard at work to organise and run House Spirit week this term for our students.  


Our House Spirit have been working with our student leaders throughout the year to create authentic events and activities for our students and school community. 


Thank you to our House Captains! We look forward to our continued work together throughout the year.


Work on our new building is now complete!


Over the next few weeks we will be surveying students, staff and parents for a new community name for the building. 


Below you will find a link to some of the architects drawings of the building. 


The building consists of 8 classrooms, 2 STEM rooms and a large library which can also be used as a meeting space for teachers and for parent sessions. The building also has a number of meeting spaces for staff to access.

This building is part of the Department of Education's new school expansion project.