Student Achievements 

Student Awards

Here at Surfside we have four very important School Values, they are:

Respect, Honesty, Teamwork and Achievement

Congratulations to the following students, who have recently been presented with a Student Award for their recognition and demonstration of one or more of our School Values from our recent assembly: 

RiverKebbleF1For showing great effort and enthusiasm when learning new maths concepts, such as friends of ten. Your focus has been amazing, well done, River!
SamuelCooperF1For your focus, eagerness, and attention to detail in all learning tasks, particularly mathematics. It is wonderful to see you support your peers with maths. Keep it up, Samuel!
LolaGoldby-AnthonyF2For your focus and effort in learning your sounds, heart words and vowels. Keep up the super work!
FlorenceMonaghanF2For being such a great helper in the classroom and completing your morning jobs to our class get started with the day. Keep it up Flo!
NolaFraserF5For being such a great friend and helper in the classroom. Keep up the great work Nola!
PatrickHarringtonF5For showing great whole body listening on the floor. Keep it up Patrick!
AustinJaquesF6For showing great improvement in your reading and writing. Your commitment to your learning is to be congratulated. Well done, Austin!

For giving your best effort in writing. Your weekend recount writing is always a pleasure to read. 

Well done, Olivia!

FlynnTweddleJ9For always giving learning tasks your best effort and go. You're amazing Flynn, keep it up!

For always accepting a challenge in reading and writing. You always try your hardest Eloise. 

Keep it Up!

TillyMartinJ10For always giving 100% to every task you undertake. You are an absolute superstar Tilly!
JaggaCumminsJ10,For your respectful listening and focus during floor time this week. Keep up the great attitude Jagga!

For confidently applying your letter knowledge to solve new words in reading and writing! 

Great work, Flora!

ArloBoordJ11For always giving your best efforts to your maths learning and rocket facts! Arlo, you are a ‘friends of ten’ superstar!
GracieMichalopoulosJ3For your ongoing improvement in addition skills and always having a keen and positive attitude to learning. Keep up the excellent work ethic you’re showing!
RosieLonerganJ3For demonstrating leadership and kindness to others around you, and for your outstanding contribution to group work and acting out your role play in SEL. Keep up the fantastic work!
AshtonGeorgesJ4Welcome and well done making a great start to your new school environment at Surfside.

For excellent focus and effort in class .

Keep up the great work, Neve.

JarvisWardJ4For being a great role model, showing excellent listening skills during class discussions and instructions.
LucyBateJ7For working diligently every day and always using exceptional manners.

For attentive listening during all learning time. 

Well done, Alessia!

LucaSantilliJ7For wonderful patience and the willingness to accept any challenge.
LeviBullockJ7For always considering others and being an attentive listener in the classroom.

For always being kind and working hard in class especially in maths where you are always looking to extend yourself and take on challenges. 

Well done, Kennett!



For being a kind caring and hard-working member of J8. You always try your best Lexi and have produced some fantastic writing pieces this week. Well done, Lexi!

JonnyOatenM21For your positive attitude to learning and always trying your personal best.
MaggieEvansM22For being a fantastic class member who always demonstrates our school values and is inclusive of all. Keep it up, Maggie!
OliverVampre FrancoM22

For having a fantastic attitude towards your learning by remaining focused and challenging yourself. 

Keep up the great work, Oliver!

MontyJaquesM23For consistently trying your best in all learning, taking on challenges and showing our school value of respect on the floor. Keep up your incredible work Monty!
CooperMcKillopM23For demonstrating all of school values, taking on challenges in maths and modelling respectful listening on the floor. Well done Cooper!

For your fantastic effort during maths, you have been working extremely hard on your rocket facts and multiplication problems. 

Keep it up Mackenzie you superstar!

JarvisPhelanM24For your wonderful problem solving, explaining and curiosity in your maths learning. Keep up the fantastic work Jarvis, we're so proud of you!
BlakeLewis-McLachlanM24For being an outstanding class member who demonstrates kindness, effort, curiosity and inclusion at all times. You're amazing, Blake!
ZacLohmannM18For your positive 'can do' attitude and willingness to extend yourself in all that you do! A great role model for all of his peers, keep being amazing Zac!
ChloeHoldenM18For always giving her work a go no matter how challenging it is, keep up the great work Chloe!

For your enthusiasm and insightful comments during discussions about our class novel, Kensuke's Kingdom. It has been awesome to see you confidently present your thoughts and opinions. 

Well done Ryushin!

HarveyBondM19For consistently displaying our class value of participation. You are a role model to others in the way that you listen, focus and enthusiastically engage in your learning. Congratulations Harvey!
IsaakSluiterM20For your commitment, positive attitude and willingness to extend yourself in all that you do! A great role model for all your peers, Well done, Isaak!
LaylaWrightM20For respectful listening in class and contributing to our discussions with enthusiasm, offering a unique perspective to your peers. We love the great example you set for others Layla!
S15 Capybaras S15For being a kind, empathic group of students. You are all so helpful to your teachers and your peers and we appreciate all of you! Keep being amazing! 

For your positive attitude towards learning and giving every task your best. 

We love having you in our class!

CruzArkoshyS16For your contribution to our classroom discussions, your teamwork and wanting to give all tasks your best effort. It has been so great to have you in our class Cruz!
RayClaytonS17For always displaying a positive mindset in all things at school! You're attitude is infectious, keep it up Ray!
OliveNaylorS17For showing a great growth mindset in Maths and striving her best. Great stuff Olive!
JettTuckerS12For having a positive mindset at camp and giving every activity a red hot go!
SofiaUrtoneS12For your positive mindset, teamwork, determination and willingness to give everything a go on camp. It was truly inspirational to watch you succeed!
HenryPuntonS13For overcoming many challenges at camp by showing persistence, resilience and by trusting in yourself. Inspirational Henry!
WoodyMajewskiS13For absolutely smashing camp by participating in all activities and for showing incredible independence in everything that you did. Amazing Woody!
NeveLindseyS13For finding inner strength to ensure you participated in everything at camp by having a positive mindset towards yourself and your abilities. Way to go, Neve!
IvalynLefoeS14For showing a positive mindset and participating in all camp activities. It was amazing to see your calm persistence, even when you were nervous!
FinnNapierS14For your positivity, enthusiasm and for showing kindness and support to your fellow campers.