Middle School

Term 3 Co-Curricular Sport Sign Up

All Years 7/8 students have recently been emailed information regarding Term 3 Sports on offer. Students must use their @friends email account via the link provided to sign up. Sports on offer may be viewed at the following link. Once a student has signed up, Operoo forms will be sent to parents / guardians after Friday 7 June.

Wet Weather - Raincoats

Our Middle School students are fortunate to have access to facilities on the senior campus to enhance their learning, but this means that they need to walk between campuses for some of their lessons. 


As we head into winter we are mindful that there is likely to be wet weather on the way, and we wanted to take this opportunity to remind students and families to please pack appropriate rain coats for moving between campuses on wet days and also to have a waterproof bag for carrying laptops/iPads and other learning materials.


If you were considering an investment in a new raincoat that would also be suitable for excursions and Outdoor Education trips and camps, we recommend Gortex or similar fabric,  which is fully waterproof with a hood.

Year 8 Camping Trip - Lost Property


A number of items have yet to be claimed following our Year 8 Camps. If any of these items belong to you, please be in contact with the Middle School Office.



Year 8 Outdoor Education - Styx & Tasman Days

Year 8E  - 5 June   Tasman

Year 8B - 5 June    Styx


Year 8C - 6 June    Tasman

Year 8F - 6 June     Styx


Year 8A - 7 June    Tasman

Year 8D - 7 June    Styx


Our Year 8 students will soon be participating in the second part of their Outdoor Education adventure with our Styx and Tasman days. These outings serve a dual purpose: to foster stronger connections between students and staff, and to cultivate positive and supportive relationships between peers. Our carefully planned days will immerse the students in two distinct Tasmanian environments, one along the coast and the other within the bush. During these experiences, students will discover the unique characteristics of each locale, from the towering giant trees in the Styx Forest to the captivating geology of the Tasman Peninsula.


Styx Exploration Day

Students will explore the big trees and remote rivers of the Styx Valley. The Styx Tall Trees Conservation Area boasts towering Eucalyptus regnans, some exceeding 90 metres in height. These giants thrive in a rainforest setting. Visitors encounter iconic trees like the Chapel Tree, Firebird Wonder, and Two Towers, each steeped in environmental history.


Tasman Coasteering Day:

Students will participate in a coasteering journey from Tesselated Pavements to Clydes Island. Tasmania’s Tessellated Pavement is a geological marvel. Its flat rock surface, etched with straight-line cracks, resembles man-made pavement. But this intricate pattern is entirely natural, shaped by ancient earth movements. The rugged coastline adds to its allure, making it an exciting destination for coasteering adventures.


Start:             8:30am Bell St Campus

End:               3:30pm Bell St Campus


Students can dress in casual outdoor clothing that is appropriate for the day’s activities. More information on the clothing and equipment that is required for these days can be found in Operoo form that was sent in Term 1.  

Coats for Kids - Donations

Thursday 9 -  Friday 31 May | Middle School Library

The Middle School Student Voice Council are so appreciative for the generosity of the School community so far in their donations to the Middle School House Coat Donation Drive. 


This Friday is the last day for donations at the Middle School Library in the allocated House donation bins. 


Coats must be cleaned, free of any holes, stains or broken zips and the size must be clearly labeled. 


Donations of childrens' coats can be placed in the House tubs in the Middle School library until the 31st of May. Which House will collect the most coats for Tassie kids in need?! 


With over 1200 books donated to Library Aid International in Term 1 (and Unwin taking out top honours for the most donations), the Student Voice Council looks forward to seeing how many coats we can collect to help Tassie Mums' aim to collect 1000 coats in May!

Any questions, contact Essie Hoggart, House and Student Leadership Coordinator.

The Middle School House Pantomime

Friday 31 May | 6pm

The Middle School House Pantomime will be the night of nights for House spirit and frivolity! Traditionally based on a fairytale, a Pantomime is a comedic show, featuring song, dance, audience participation and slapstick humour. Written with a Friends’ School twist, the Middle School House Pantomime promises to be a school event not to be missed! Set to lift the roof of The Farrall Centre on Friday 31 May, we ask that audiences are seated at 5.45pm for a 6pm start. Who will our guest judges crown as the winners of the 2024 Middle School House Panto? Be there to find out! 


Performances are as follows:

Hodgkin: Cinderella

Ransome: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Unwin: Jack and the Beanstalk

Mather: Hansel and Gretel


We cannot wait to show the School community all of the students’ hard work! Tickets for the 6pm performance are available through Try Booking. Proceeds from this event will be proudly donated to The Humour Foundation who promote wellbeing, lift spirits and improve health through joyful humour, insightful connection, and creative play in hospitals around Australia.


Need more information? Email Essie Hoggart, House and Student Leadership Coordinator, Middle School.

Middle School Office

Phone: 6210 2235

Email: middleschooloffice@friends.tas.edu.au

Important Dates 

Term 2 Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July

Monday 10 June – King’s Birthday


CLICK HERE to view the School calendar