Primary News

(Year 3 to Year 6)

The Importance of Grammar and How to Help Your Child Develop It

Good grammar is essential for clear communication and academic success. It helps kids express their ideas clearly and understand what they read. As part of the Australian Curriculum, grammar is a key focus in your child's education. Here are some simple ways you can help your child develop their grammar skills at home:


1. Read Together Often: Reading regularly is a fantastic way for children to learn grammar naturally. Choose a variety of books that challenge your child's reading level. Talk about the stories and point out interesting sentence structures and word uses.


2. Encourage Writing: Give your child plenty of chances to write. It could be a short story, a diary entry, or a letter to a friend or family member. Writing helps them practise grammar in a real-world context.


3. Make Grammar Fun: Use games to make learning grammar enjoyable. There are many educational games and apps designed to improve grammar skills. Activities like word searches, crossword puzzles, and grammar-based board games can make learning fun.


4. Be a Role Model: Use correct grammar when you speak and write. Children often copy their parents' language habits, so demonstrating proper grammar can have a positive impact.


5. Give Gentle Feedback: When you look over your child's homework or writing, point out any grammatical errors in a kind way and explain the correct usage. Encourage them to fix their mistakes and praise their efforts to improve.


6. Use Everyday Situations: Turn daily activities into grammar lessons. For example, while cooking, read the recipe together and discuss the instructions, highlighting proper sentence structure and verb usage.


7. Use Resources and Tools: Take advantage of grammar books, online resources, and educational videos that are suitable for your child's age. These tools often have exercises and explanations that can reinforce what they're learning at school.


8. Work with Teachers: Stay in touch with your child's teachers to understand their progress and any specific areas where they might need extra help. Teachers can provide valuable insights and resources to support your child's grammar development.


Grammar is more than just a set of rules; it's a vital skill that helps your child communicate effectively and confidently. By creating a supportive and fun learning environment at home, you can help your child build strong grammar skills that will benefit them throughout their schooling and beyond.