National Reconciliation Week & Sorry Day Liturgy

Week 7 was National Reconciliation Week. As a school, all classes read the book, "Stories for Simon" and completed an activities in class. Each year group was given different coloured paper and asked to cut out a rock and to write Sorry or how they say Sorry in their home language on it along with a star each and to decorate it.


These were then compiled to make stacks of rocks that were hung up and displayed at our Sorry Day Liturgy on Tuesday 28 May.

Our Cultural Perspectives Ministry spent their lunch time organising an activity to represent the 60,000 years Indigenous Australians lived on, and cared for this land before colonisation. Each link in the chain represented 250 years. National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can join the national reconciliation effort.