From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Caregivers


Hoping that you all had a wonderful long weekend, leading into the last 4 weeks of Term 2. We have lots happening at St Helena's Catholic Primary School and I encourage our parents and caregivers to get involved to help out with up and coming events. 


Don't Miss It! - Paul Litherland @ SHCPS

We can not stress enough the importance of at least one family member taking up the opportunity in coming along to this evening. It is so important that we are aware and up-to-date with what is happening in the online world, so that we can support our young people in making good decisions and staying safe online! Click here to register for this free event.

Code of Conduct

As we head into the half way mark of the school year, it is worthwhile revisiting  St Helena’s Code of Conduct, which applies to all staff, parents/caregivers and visitors. Our Code of Conduct describes minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision making to ensure the safety and well-being of students at St Helena’s Catholic Primary School. Please also take the time to go over the Student Code of Conduct with your child/ren to remind them of our school expectations so that everyone feels respected, safe, engaged, cared for, happy and resilient. 

School Attendance

A reminder that a clear pre-requisite for school success is student attendance. It is important for students to be in attendance at school each day, making the most of their opportunities. There is a very strong correlation between school attendance and improved student outcomes. Thank you for your assistance in ensuring your child/ren are in regular attendance, supporting their learning journey. If you are requiring assistants with school attendance for your child/ren, please do not hesitate to make contact with your child/ren's classroom teacher. It is acknowledged that there are times throughout the year where illness and appointments require absence from school, and it is important that if students are unwell that they stay home and recover. 

Farewell & Thanks 

Next Friday we farewell Miss Kalani Bennell who will be leaving SHCPS to take up a teaching position at Holy Rosary in Doubleview. Thank you Kalani for her commitment to the students and school over the last 2 and a half years and we wish her all the best for the future. 

Welcome to St Helena's Catholic Primary School

At the commencement of Week 10 - Monday 17 June, we welcome Ms Melissa Knight to St Helena's as the new Year 2 Platypuses Teacher. We look forward to Melissa joining the team!

Cross Country

Our SHCPS Cross Country is on next Tuesday 11 June, which I am sure will be another great day! Our Cross Country Champion Faction winner and individual awards will be presented that afternoon too. Thanks in advance to all the staff and parent helpers and spectators on the day, and in particular to Mr Clarke for organising and coordinating the day. More information about the day has been shared with families via email. 

Sacrament of Reconciliation

We keep in our prayers the Year 3 students and Parish children preparing for their First Reconciliation next week on Thursday 13 June. They have their retreat and rehearsal coming up this Thursday.

Vinnies Winter Appeal

Thanks again to all our families who have made food donations to this year's Vinnies Winter Appeal. It is so very important that we teach all our students the importance of charity and the genuine desire to help other people, and not just to get something in return. We want to always strive to do Something Beautiful for God.


LifeLink Launch

Today Samuel, Maya and Chloe from Year Six travelled to Newman College with Mr G and Mrs Zanetti to represent St Helena’s Catholic Primary School for the Archbishop’s launch of LifeLink 2024. 


Bishop Don Sproxton launched LifeLink Day today. The launch provided an opportunity for students from different Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Perth to join together to show their support for the Church’s social service agencies – agencies which reach out to provide practical care and direct assistance to thousands of people in need each year. More information on the agencies can be found here. LifeLink Day, just like St Helena's is celebrating 25 years this year! At St Helena's we will be raising funds for LifeLink next term. Stay tuned! 



Please check out the Enrolments section of the eNewsletter to find out more about Pre-Kindy (Little Adventurers) 2024 enrolment and Kindergarten 2025 enrolment information.


At St Helena's, we are a Christ-centred and a child-focused community, 

always striving to do Something Beautiful for God.


Peace & Happy Days!


Santino Giancono




Click here for a brief history or St Helena's Catholic Primary School, providing a Catholic Education in Ellenbrook since 1999.