P&F News

The P&F are very excited to be planning this year’s Pyjama Disco. 


We ask parents to please drop off and collect your child at the correct session 



Kindy to Year 2 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Year 3 to Year 6 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm


Parents are more than welcome to stay outside the undercover area, but only parent volunteers will be permitted within the disco.




Please sign up using this link that has been sent by the admin team.


On the night, water and juice will be provided along with a cheese pizza. If your child has any dietary requirements please advise when purchasing your online ticket.


If you wish you can send your child with money for our glow sticks and lolly bags which can be purchased for $1 on the night.


All tickets must be purchased online here.


We can’t wait to disco with you all.


Thank you for your support!


Your Friendly P&F 



Catholic School Parents WA News

Catholic School Parents WA - Term 2 Newsletter can be found here.